(2023) CPT 77001, CPT 77002, CPT 77003 & CPT 76000 (Fluoroscopy Billing)

Fluoroscopy may be reported with CPT 77001, CPT 77002, CPT 77003 & CPT 76000. The descriptions and coding guidelines of the CPT codes can be found below.

CPT Codes For Fluoroscopy

CPT 77001, CPT 77002, CPT 77003 & CPT 76000 can be reported for Fluoroscopy.

CPT 77003

Description of CPT 77003: Fluoroscopic guidance and needle or catheter tip localization for spine or para spinous diagnostic or therapeutic injection procedures (subarachnoid or epidural).

Note: CPT 77003 needs to be listed separately in addition to the code for primary procedure and is used only for spinal procedures.

CPT 77002

Description of CPT 77002: Fluoroscopic guidance and localization of needle or catheter tip for spine or paraspinous diagnostic or therapeutic injection procedures (paravertebral facet joint nerve or sacroiliac joint, subarachnoid, transforaminal epidural, paravertebral facet joint, epidural) including neurolytic agent destruction.

Note: CPT 77002 is only for non-vascular procedures.

CPT 77001

Description of CPT 77001: Fluoroscopic guidance for central venous access device placement, replacement (complete or catheter only), or removal (includes any necessary contrast injections through access site or catheter with related venography radiologic supervision and interpretation, radiographic documentation of final catheter position and fluoroscopic guidance for vascular access and catheter manipulation.

Note: CPT 77001 must be listed separately in addition to the code for the primary procedure.

CPT 76000

Description of CPT 76000: Fluoroscopy (separate procedure), up to one hour physician time.

Coding Guidelines For CPT 76000

Modifier 59 or X modifiers can be used for CPT 76000 to indicate that it is a distinct or independent service.

Can we bill Fluoroscopy CPT 76000 along with laparoscopic procedures?

No, According to the NCCI policy manual, Fluoroscopy CPT 76000 is integral to all laparoscopic procedures. CPT 76000 should not be reported separately with a laparoscopic procedure.

CPT 76001

Description of CPT 76001: This CPT code was deleted in 2009.

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