CPT 99439, CPT 99490, CPT 99491, CPT code 99439, CPT code 99490, CPT code 99491, 99439 CPT code, 99490 CPT code, 99491 CPT code, 99439 CPT, 99490 CPT, 99491 CPT

2023 | CPT 99439, 99490 & 99491 (Chronic Care E/M Services)

CPT Codes For Chronic Care Evaluation and Management Services

CPT 99439 Description: CPT 99439 can be reported for every extra 20 minutes (per calendar month) of time used by the provider to direct clinical staff.

The patient has 2 (or more) chronic conditions that place the patient at high risk of acute exacerbation, decompensation, death, or functional decline. The provider directs the clinical staff.

The staff provides services directed by them to coordinate and support patient care across different disciplines.

CPT 99490 Description: The patient has 2 (or more) chronic conditions that place the patient at high risk of acute exacerbation, decompensation, death, or functional decline. CPT 99490 may be used for the first 20 minutes per calendar month used by the provider to direct clinical staff.

The provider directs the clinical staff. The staff provides services directed by them to coordinate and support patient care across different disciplines.

CPT 99491 Description: CPT 99491 can be used for 30 minutes per calendar month by a healthcare professional or physician.

The healthcare professional, provider, or other personally directs the E&M of a patient with 2 (or more) chronic conditions with the expectation that the conditions will last at least 12 months.

The patient is at significant risk of death, acute exacerbation, decompensation or functional decline.

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