CPT 99468, CPT 99469, CPT 99471, CPT 99472, CPT 99473, CPT 99474, CPT 99475, CPT 99476, CPT code 99468, CPT code 99469, CPT code 99471, CPT code 99472, CPT code 99473, CPT code 99474, CPT code 99475, CPT code 99476, 99468 CPT code, 99469 CPT code, 99471 CPT code, 99472 CPT code, 99473 CPT code, 99474 CPT code, 99475 CPT code, 99476 CPT code, 99468 CPT, 99469 CPT, 99471 CPT, 99472 CPT, 99473 CPT, 99474 CPT, 99475 CPT, 99476 CPT

2023 | CPT 99468 – 99476 (Inpatient Neonatal & Paediatric Critical Care)

The descriptions of the CPT codes for inpatient neonatal and pediatric critical care services can be found below.

CPT Code 99468

CPT 99468 Description: CPT 99468 can be reported when the provider manages and evaluates the initial care of an infant newborn younger than 28 days in a neonatal critical care setting.

CPT Code 99469

CPT 99469 Description: CPT 99469 can be reported when the provider manages and evaluates the initial care of an infant newborn younger than 28 days in a neonatal critical care setting after the first day.

CPT Code 99471

CPT 99471 Description: CPT 99471 can be reported for caring for a 29- 24 months infant/child.

The provider performs initial management and evaluation of the critically ill child/infant in an inpatient setting.

CPT Code 99472

CPT 99472 Description: CPT 99471 can be reported for caring for a 29- 24 months infant/child.

The provider performs follow-up care of the critically ill child/infant in an inpatient setting.

CPT Code 99473

CPT 99473 Description: CPT 99473 can be reported for calibrating and training the patient using a blood pressure monitoring device.

The device needs to be validated for clinical accuracy.

CPT Code 99474

CPT 99474 Description: CPT 99474 can be used when the provider averages the systolic and diastolic blood pressures, collects data, discusses a treatment plan with the patient, and prepares a report.

CPT code 99474 can be used when the patient measures blood pressure (using a validated blood pressure device). Over 30 days, twice a day, two readings need to be taken (one minute apart). A minimum of 12 readings must be taken and reported to the provider.

CPT Code 99475

CPT 99475 Description: CPT 99475 can be reported for a critically ill child (between 2 and 5 years old) when the provider performs initial evaluation and management in an inpatient setting.

CPT Code 99476

CPT 99476 Description: CPT 99476 can be reported as the follow-up care of a critically ill child (between 2 and 5 years old) performed by the provider in an inpatient setting.

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