CPT Codes For Anesthesia For Procedures On The Lower Abdomen

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for anesthesia for procedures on the lower abdomen.

CPT Code 00800

CPT 00800 describes anesthesia for procedures on the lower anterior abdominal wall that are not otherwise specified.

CPT Code 00802

CPT 00802 describes anesthesia for lower anterior abdominal wall procedures, such as panniculectomy.

CPT Code 00811

CPT 00811 describes anesthesia for lower intestinal endoscopic procedures with an endoscope introduced distal to the duodenum, not otherwise specified.

CPT Code 00812

CPT 00812 describes anesthesia for lower intestinal endoscopic procedures, with an endoscope introduced distal to the duodenum for screening colonoscopy.

CPT Code 00813

CPT 00813 describes anesthesia for combined upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures, with an endoscope introduced proximal to and distal to the duodenum.

CPT Code 00820

CPT 00820 describes anesthesia for procedures on the lower posterior abdominal wall.

CPT Code 00830

CPT 00830 describes anesthesia for hernia repairs in the lower abdomen that are not otherwise specified.

CPT Code 00832

CPT 00832 describes anesthesia for hernia repairs in the lower abdomen, including ventral and incisional hernias.

CPT Code 00834

CPT 00834 describes anesthesia for hernia repairs in the lower abdomen not otherwise specified for patients younger than one year of age.

CPT Code 00836

CPT 00836 describes anesthesia for hernia repairs in the lower abdomen not otherwise specified for infants younger than 37 weeks at birth and younger than 50 weeks gestational age at the time of surgery.

CPT Code 00840

CPT 00840 describes anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including laparoscopy, that is not otherwise specified.

CPT Code 00842

CPT 00842 describes anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including laparoscopy and amniocentesis.

CPT Code 00844

CPT 00844 describes anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including laparoscopy and abdominoperineal resection.

CPT Code 00846

CPT 00846 describes anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including laparoscopy and radical hysterectomy.

CPT Code 00848

CPT 00848 describes anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including laparoscopy and pelvic exenteration.

CPT Code 00851

CPT 00851 describes anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including laparoscopy and tubal ligation/transection.

CPT Code 00860

CPT 00860 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including those of the urinary tract, that is not otherwise specified.

CPT Code 00862

CPT 00862 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including urinary tracts and renal procedures, such as the upper one-third of the ureter or donor nephrectomy.

CPT Code 00864

CPT 00864 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including total cystectomy of the urinary tract.

CPT Code 00865

CPT 00865 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including those related to the urinary tract, such as radical prostatectomy (suprapubic, retropubic).

CPT Code 00866

CPT 00866 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including urinary tract and adrenalectomy.

CPT Code 00868

CPT 00868 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including those related to the urinary tract and renal transplant recipient.

CPT Code 00870

CPT 00870 describes anesthesia for extraperitoneal procedures in the lower abdomen, including cystolithotomy and procedures involving the urinary tract.

CPT Code 00872

CPT 00872 describes anesthesia for lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave with a water bath.

CPT Code 00873

CPT 00873 describes anesthesia for lithotripsy, an extracorporeal shock wave without the use of a water bath.

CPT Code 00880

CPT 00880 describes anesthesia for procedures on major lower abdominal vessels that are not otherwise specified.

CPT Code 00882

CPT 00882 describes anesthesia for procedures on major lower abdominal vessels, including ligation of the inferior vena cava.

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