CPT Codes For Anterior Cranial Fossa Skull Base Procedures

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for anterior cranial fossa skull base procedures.

CPT Code 61580

CPT 61580 describes a craniofacial approach to the anterior cranial fossa, including extradural lateral rhinotomy, ethmoidectomy, and sphenoidectomy, without maxillectomy or orbital exenteration.

CPT Code 61581

CPT 61581 describes a craniofacial approach to the anterior cranial fossa, including extradural lateral rhinotomy, orbital exenteration, ethmoidectomy, sphenoidectomy, and/or maxillectomy.

CPT Code 61582

CPT 61582 describes a craniofacial approach to the anterior cranial fossa, including a unilateral or bifrontal craniotomy, the frontal lobe(s) elevation, and an osteotomy of the base of the anterior cranial fossa.

CPT Code 61583

CPT 61583 describes a craniofacial approach to the anterior cranial fossa, including intradural unilateral or bifrontal craniotomy, elevation or resection of the frontal lobe, and osteotomy of the base of the anterior cranial fossa.

CPT Code 61584

CPT 61584 describes a procedure involving an orbitocranial approach to the anterior cranial fossa, extradural, including supraorbital ridge osteotomy and elevation of frontal and/or temporal lobe(s) without orbital exenteration.

CPT Code 61585

CPT 61585 describes a procedure involving an orbitocranial approach to the anterior cranial fossa, extradural, including an osteotomy of the supraorbital ridge and elevation of the frontal and/or temporal lobe(s) with orbital exenteration.

CPT Code 61586

CPT 61586 describes a bi-coronal, transzygomatic, and/or LeFort I osteotomy approach to the anterior cranial fossa with or without internal fixation, without bone graft.

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