CPT Codes For Fracture And/Or Dislocation Procedures On The Head

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for fracture and/or dislocation procedures on the head.

CPT Code 21315

CPT 21315 describes the closed treatment of a nasal bone fracture with manipulation without stabilization.

CPT Code 21320

CPT 21320 describes the closed treatment of nasal bone fracture with manipulation and stabilization.

CPT Code 21325

CPT 21325 describes the open treatment of an uncomplicated nasal fracture.

CPT Code 21330

CPT 21330 describes the open treatment of a nasal fracture with complicated internal and/or external skeletal fixation.

CPT Code 21335

CPT 21335 describes the open treatment of nasal fracture with the concomitant open treatment of fractured septum.

CPT Code 21336

CPT 21336 describes the open treatment of nasal septal fracture, with or without stabilization.

CPT Code 21337

CPT 21337 describes the closed treatment of nasal septal fracture, with or without stabilization.

CPT Code 21338

CPT 21338 describes the open treatment of a nasoethmoid fracture without external fixation.

CPT Code 21339

CPT 21339 describes the open treatment of a nasoethmoid fracture with external fixation.

CPT Code 21340

CPT 21340 describes the percutaneous treatment of a nasoethmoid complex fracture, including splint, wire, or head cap fixation, as well as repair of the canthal ligaments and/or the nasolacrimal apparatus.

CPT Code 21343

CPT 21343 describes the open treatment of a depressed frontal sinus fracture.

CPT Code 21344

CPT 21344 describes the open treatment of a complicated frontal sinus fracture, such as a comminuted or posterior wall fracture, via coronal or multiple approaches.

CPT Code 21345

CPT 21345 describes the closed treatment of a nasomaxillary complex fracture (LeFort II type) with interdental wire fixation, denture, or splint fixation.

CPT Code 21346

CPT 21346 describes the open treatment of a nasomaxillary complex fracture (LeFort II type) with wiring and/or local fixation.

CPT Code 21347

CPT 21347 describes the open treatment of a nasomaxillary complex fracture (LeFort II type) requiring multiple open approaches.

CPT Code 21348

CPT 21348 describes the open treatment of a nasomaxillary complex fracture (LeFort II type) with bone grafting, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 21355

CPT 21355 describes the percutaneous treatment of fracture of the malar area, including manipulation of the zygomatic arch and malar tripod.

CPT Code 21356

CPT 21356 describes the open treatment of a depressed zygomatic arch fracture, such as the Gillies approach.

CPT Code 21360

CPT 21360 describes the open treatment of a depressed malar fracture, including the zygomatic arch and malar tripod.

CPT Code 21365

CPT 21365 describes the open treatment of complicated fractures of the malar area, including the zygomatic arch and malar tripod, with internal fixation and multiple surgical approaches.

CPT Code 21366

CPT 21366 describes the open treatment of complicated fractures of the malar area, including the zygomatic arch and malar tripod, with bone grafting, which includes obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 21385

CPT 21385 describes the open treatment of an orbital floor blowout fracture using a transantral approach (Caldwell-Luc type operation).

CPT Code 21386

CPT 21386 describes the open treatment of an orbital floor blowout fracture using a periorbital approach.

CPT Code 21387

CPT 21387 describes the open treatment of an orbital floor blowout fracture using a combined approach.

CPT Code 21390

CPT 21390 describes the open treatment of an orbital floor blowout fracture using an alloplastic or other implant with a periorbital approach.

CPT Code 21395

CPT 21395 describes the open treatment of an orbital floor blowout fracture with a periorbital approach and bone graft, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 21400

CPT 21400 describes the closed treatment of orbit fracture, without manipulation, except for blowout.

CPT Code 21401

CPT 21401 describes the closed treatment of orbit fracture, except blowout, with manipulation.

CPT Code 21406

CPT 21406 describes the open treatment of a fracture of the orbit, except for a blowout fracture, without using an implant.

CPT Code 21407

CPT 21407 describes the open treatment of a fracture of the orbit, except for a blowout fracture, with an implant.

CPT Code 21408

CPT 21408 describes the open treatment of orbit fracture, except blowout, with bone grafting, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 21421

CPT 21421 describes the closed treatment of a palatal or maxillary fracture (LeFort I type) with interdental wire fixation, fixation of denture, or splint.

CPT Code 21422

CPT 21422 describes the open treatment of a palatal or maxillary fracture (LeFort I type).

CPT Code 21423

CPT 21423 describes the open treatment of a complicated palatal or maxillary fracture (LeFort I type) involving multiple approaches, such as comminuted or involving cranial nerve foramina.

CPT Code 21431

CPT 21431 describes the closed treatment of craniofacial separation (LeFort III type) using interdental wire fixation of denture or splint.

CPT Code 21432

CPT 21432 describes the open treatment of a LeFort III-type craniofacial separation with wiring and/or internal fixation.

CPT Code 21433

CPT 21433 describes the open treatment of a LeFort III type craniofacial separation that is complicated, such as comminuted or involving cranial nerve foramina, and requires multiple surgical approaches.

CPT Code 21435

CPT 21435 describes the open treatment of a complicated craniofacial separation (LeFort III type) utilizing internal and/or external fixation techniques such as a head cap, halo device, and/or intermaxillary fixation.

CPT Code 21436

CPT 21436 describes the open treatment of a LeFort III type craniofacial separation, which involves complicated, multiple surgical approaches, internal fixation, and bone grafting, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 21440

CPT 21440 describes the closed treatment of mandibular or maxillary alveolar ridge fracture as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 21445

CPT 21445 describes the open treatment of mandibular or maxillary alveolar ridge fracture as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 21450

CPT 21450 describes the closed treatment of mandibular fracture without manipulation.

CPT Code 21451

CPT 21451 describes the closed treatment of a mandibular fracture with manipulation.

CPT Code 21452

CPT 21452 describes the percutaneous treatment of mandibular fracture with external fixation.

CPT Code 21453

CPT 21453 describes the closed treatment of mandibular fracture with interdental fixation.

CPT Code 21454

CPT 21454 describes the open treatment of a mandibular fracture with external fixation.

CPT Code 21461

CPT 21461 describes the open treatment of a mandibular fracture without interdental fixation.

CPT Code 21462

CPT 21462 describes the open treatment of a mandibular fracture with interdental fixation.

CPT Code 21465

CPT 21465 describes the open treatment of a mandibular condylar fracture.

CPT Code 21470

CPT 21470 describes the open treatment of a complicated mandibular fracture using multiple surgical approaches, such as internal fixation, interdental fixation, and/or wiring of dentures or splints.

CPT Code 21480

CPT 21480 describes the closed treatment of temporomandibular dislocation, whether initial or subsequent.

CPT Code 21485

CPT 21485 describes the closed treatment of complicated temporomandibular dislocation, such as recurrent cases requiring intermaxillary fixation or splinting, whether initial or subsequent.

CPT Code 21490

CPT 21490 describes the open treatment of temporomandibular dislocation.

CPT Code 21497

CPT 21497 describes interdental wiring for conditions other than fracture.

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