CPT Codes For Moderate (Conscious) Sedation

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for moderate (conscious) sedation.

CPT Code 99151

CPT 99151 describes moderate sedation services provided by the same physician or other qualified health care professional performing the diagnostic or therapeutic service that the sedation supports, with the presence of an independent trained observer to assist in monitoring the patient’s level of consciousness and physiological status, for an initial 15 minutes of intraservice time for patients younger than five years of age.

CPT Code 99152

CPT 99152 describes moderate sedation services provided by the same physician or other qualified health care professional performing the diagnostic or therapeutic service, with the presence of an independent trained observer to monitor the patient’s level of consciousness and physiological status, for an initial 15 minutes of intraservice time for patients aged five years or older.

CPT Code 99155

CPT 99155 describes moderate sedation services a qualified healthcare professional provides for a patient younger than five years, including the initial 15 minutes of intraservice time.

CPT Code 99156

CPT 99156 describes moderate sedation services a qualified health care professional provides for a patient age five or older, including the initial 15 minutes of intraservice time.

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