CPT Codes For Physical Examination

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for physical examination.

CPT Code 2000F

CPT 2000F describes blood pressure measurement for patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus.

CPT Code 2001F

CPT 2001F describes weight being recorded in the Patient Activity Guide.

CPT Code 2002F

CPT 2002F describes the assessment of clinical signs of volume overload (excess) with no associated measure.

CPT Code 2004F

CPT 2004F describes the initial examination of the involved joint(s) for visits related to initial osteoarthritis or new joint involvement, including visual inspection, palpation, and range of motion.

CPT Code 2010F

CPT 2010F describes the documentation and review of vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, and blood pressure) as a CAP service.

CPT Code 2014F

CPT 2014F describes mental status assessment as a Comprehensive Assessment Profile (CAP) with an Evaluation and Management (EM) component.

CPT Code 2015F

CPT 2015F describes the assessment of impairment due to asthma.

CPT Code 2016F

CPT 2016F describes assessing the risk of asthma.

CPT Code 2018F

CPT 2018F describes hydration status as usual, mildly dehydrated or severely dehydrated.

CPT Code 2019F

CPT 2019F describes a dilated macular exam, including documentation of the presence or absence of macular thickening or hemorrhage and the level of macular degeneration severity (EC).

CPT Code 2020F

CPT 2020F describes dilated fundus evaluation performed within 12 months before cataract surgery as an Evaluation and Management (E/M) service.

CPT Code 2021F

CPT 2021F describes a dilated macular or fundus exam, including documentation of the presence or absence of macular edema and the severity of retinopathy.

CPT Code 2022F

CPT 2022F describes a documented and reviewed dilated retinal eye exam with interpretation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist and evidence of retinopathy (DM).

CPT Code 2023F

CPT 2023F describes a dilated retinal eye exam with interpretation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist documented and reviewed without evidence of retinopathy (DM).

CPT Code 2024F

CPT 2024F describes seven standard field stereoscopic retinal photos with interpretation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist documented and reviewed, along with evidence of retinopathy (DM).

CPT Code 2025F

CPT 2025F describes the documentation and review of seven standard field stereoscopic retinal photos with interpretation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist without retinopathy (DM) evidence.

CPT Code 2026F

CPT 2026F describes the results documented and reviewed from eye imaging validated to match diagnosis from 7 standard field stereoscopic retinal photos, with evidence of retinopathy (DM).

CPT Code 2027F

CPT 2027F describes the optic nerve head evaluation performed (EC).

CPT Code 2028F

CPT 2028F describes a foot examination performed, which includes examination through visual inspection, sensory exam with monofilament, and pulse exam. It requires a report when any of the three components are completed.

CPT Code 2029F

CPT 2029F describes a complete physical skin exam performed (ML).

CPT Code 2030F

CPT 2030F describes hydration status as normally hydrated (PAG).

CPT Code 2031F

CPT 2031F describes hydration status as dehydrated (PAG).

CPT Code 2033F

CPT 2033F describes the results of validated eye imaging to match diagnosis from 7 standard field stereoscopic retinal photos without evidence of retinopathy (DM).

CPT Code 2035F

CPT 2035F describes tympanometry or pneumatic otoscopy as assessing tympanic membrane mobility.

CPT Code 2040F

CPT 2040F describes a physical examination performed on the date of the initial visit for low back pain following specifications (BkP).

CPT Code 2044F

CPT 2044F describes the documentation of a mental health assessment before a back surgery or epidural steroid injection or for a back pain episode lasting longer than six weeks.

CPT Code 2050F

CPT 2050F describes documenting wound characteristics, including size, nature of wound base tissue, and drainage amount before debridement.

CPT Code 2060F

CPT 2060F describes the direct interviewing of a patient before the diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD ADOL).

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