CPT Codes For Removal Procedures On The Lungs And Pleura

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for lung and pleura removal procedures.

CPT Code 32440

CPT 32440 describes the removal of a lung, also known as a pneumonectomy.

CPT Code 32442

CPT 32442 describes a sleeve pneumonectomy involving the removal of a lung, pneumonectomy, with a resection of a segment of the trachea followed by a broncho-tracheal anastomosis.

CPT Code 32445

CPT 32445 describes a pneumonectomy with extrapleural removal of the lung.

CPT Code 32480

CPT 32480 describes the removal of a single lobe (lobectomy) from a lung, other than a pneumonectomy.

CPT Code 32482

CPT 32482 describes the removal of two lobes of the lung, other than a pneumonectomy.

CPT Code 32484

CPT 32484 describes the removal of a single segment of the lung, other than a pneumonectomy.

CPT Code 32486

CPT 32486 describes a procedure involving the removal of a lung, other than a pneumonectomy, with a circumferential resection of a segment of bronchus followed by a broncho-bronchial anastomosis (sleeve lobectomy).

CPT Code 32488

CPT 32488 describes completion pneumonectomy, which is the removal of all remaining lungs following a previous removal of a portion of the lung.

CPT Code 32491

CPT 32491 describes the removal of a lung, other than a pneumonectomy, with a resection-plication of the emphysematous lung(s) (bullous or non-bullous) for lung volume reduction, sternal split or transthoracic approach, which includes any pleural procedure when performed.

CPT Code 32503

CPT 32503 describes the resection of an apical lung tumor, including chest wall resection, rib(s) resection(s), and neurovascular dissection, without chest wall reconstruction(s).

CPT Code 32504

CPT 32504 describes the resection of an apical lung tumor, including chest wall resection, rib(s) resection(s), neurovascular dissection, and chest wall reconstruction, when performed.

CPT Code 32505

CPT 32505 describes thoracotomy with initial therapeutic wedge resection, such as for a mass or nodule.

CPT Code 32540

CPT 32540 describes extrapleural enucleation of empyema (empyemectomy).

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