CPT Codes For Repair, Revision, And/Or Reconstruction Procedures On The Foot And Toes

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for repair, revision, and/or reconstruction procedures on the foot and toes.

CPT Code 28200

CPT 28200 describes the repair of a flexor tendon in the foot, either primary or secondary, without using a free graft.

CPT Code 28202

CPT 28202 describes the repair of a flexor tendon in the foot with a secondary free graft, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 28208

CPT 28208 describes the repair of the foot’s primary or secondary extensor tendons.

CPT Code 28210

CPT 28210 describes the repair of a secondary extensor tendon in the foot with a free graft, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 28220

CPT 28220 describes tenolysis of a single flexor tendon in the foot.

CPT Code 28222

CPT 28222 describes tenolysis of multiple flexor tendons of the foot.

CPT Code 28225

CPT 28225 describes tenolysis of a single extensor tendon of the foot.

CPT Code 28226

CPT 28226 describes tenolysis of multiple extensor tendons of the foot.

CPT Code 28230

CPT 28230 describes tenotomy, open, of a single or multiple tendon(s) of the foot (separate procedure).

CPT Code 28232

CPT 28232 describes tenotomy, open, of a single tendon flexor of the toe as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 28234

CPT 28234 describes an open tenotomy of each foot or toe extensor tendon.

CPT Code 28238

CPT 28238 describes a Kidner-type procedure that involves the reconstruction (advancement) of the posterior tibial tendon with the excision of an accessory tarsal navicular bone.

CPT Code 28240

CPT 28240 describes tenotomy, lengthening, or release of the abductor hallucis muscle.

CPT Code 28250

CPT 28250 describes the division of plantar fascia and muscle, such as Steindler stripping, as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 28260

CPT 28260 describes a midfoot medial release capsulotomy as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 28261

CPT 28261 describes a capsulotomy of the midfoot with tendon lengthening.

CPT Code 28262

CPT 28262 describes extensive midfoot capsulotomy, including posterior talotibial capsulotomy and tendon(s) lengthening for resistant clubfoot deformity.

CPT Code 28264

CPT 28264 describes a Heyman-type procedure for the midtarsal capsulotomy.

CPT Code 28270

CPT 28270 describes a capsulotomy of the metatarsophalangeal joint, with or without tenorrhaphy, for each joint as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 28272

CPT 28272 describes a separate procedure for capsulotomy of each interphalangeal joint.

CPT Code 28280

CPT 28280 describes syndactylization of toes, such as webbing or a Kelikian-type procedure.

CPT Code 28285

CPT 28285 describes hammertoe correction, such as interphalangeal fusion and partial or total phalangectomy.

CPT Code 28286

CPT 28286 describes a correction of a cock-up fifth toe with plastic skin closure (e.g., Ruiz-Mora type procedure).

CPT Code 28288

CPT 28288 describes ostectomy, partial exostectomy, or condylectomy of each metatarsal head.

CPT Code 28289

CPT 28289 describes a correction of hallux rigidus with cheilectomy, debridement, and capsular release of the first metatarsophalangeal joint without an implant.

CPT Code 28291

CPT 28291 describes a correction of hallux rigidus with cheilectomy, debridement, the capsular release of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, and implantation.

CPT Code 28292

CPT 28292 describes the correction of hallux valgus (bunionectomy) with sesamoidectomy, and resection of the proximal phalanx base, when performed using any method.

CPT Code 28295

CPT 28295 describes the correction of hallux valgus (bunionectomy) with sesamoidectomy and proximal metatarsal osteotomy, any method.

CPT Code 28296

CPT 28296 describes the correction of hallux valgus (bunionectomy) with sesamoidectomy, when performed, as well as distal metatarsal osteotomy using any method.

CPT Code 28297

CPT 28297 uses any method to describe the correction of hallux valgus (bunionectomy) with sesamoidectomy, as well as first metatarsal and medial cuneiform joint arthrodesis.

CPT Code 28298

CPT 28298 describes the correction of hallux valgus (bunionectomy) with sesamoidectomy, when performed, and proximal phalanx osteotomy, using any method.

CPT Code 28299

CPT 28299 describes the correction of hallux valgus (bunionectomy) with sesamoidectomy, when performed, along with double osteotomy using any method.

CPT Code 28300

CPT 28300 describes a procedure involving an osteotomy of the calcaneus, such as a Dwyer or Chambers type, with or without internal fixation.

CPT Code 28302

CPT 28302 describes an osteotomy of the talus.

CPT Code 28304

CPT 28304 describes an osteotomy of tarsal bones other than the calcaneus or talus.

CPT Code 28305

CPT 28305 describes an osteotomy of tarsal bones other than the calcaneus or talus, with autograft, including obtaining the graft (e.g., Fowler type).

CPT Code 28306

CPT 28306 describes osteotomy of the first metatarsal, with or without lengthening, shortening, or angular correction.

CPT Code 28307

CPT 28307 describes an osteotomy of the first metatarsal with autograft, which may include lengthening, shortening, or angular correction.

CPT Code 28308

CPT 28308 describes osteotomy other than the first metatarsal, with or without lengthening, shortening, or angular correction.

CPT Code 28309

CPT 28309 describes a procedure involving an osteotomy of multiple metatarsals, with or without lengthening, shortening, or angular correction, such as a Swanson-type cavus foot procedure.

CPT Code 28310

CPT 28310 describes a separate procedure for an osteotomy, shortening, angular, or rotational correction of the proximal phalanx of the first toe.

CPT Code 28312

CPT 28312 describes a procedure involving an osteotomy, shortening, angular or rotational correction, and other phalanges of any toe.

CPT Code 28313

CPT 28313 describes soft tissue procedures for reconstruction and angular deformity of toes, such as overlapping the second toe, fifth toe, and curly toes.

CPT Code 28315

CPT 28315 describes sesamoidectomy of the first toe as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 28320

CPT 28320 describes the repair of nonunion or malunion of tarsal bones.

CPT Code 28322

CPT 28322 describes repairing a nonunion or malunion of a metatarsal, with or without bone graft, including obtaining the graft.

CPT Code 28340

CPT 28340 describes the resection of soft tissue to reconstruct a toe with macrodactyly.

CPT Code 28341

CPT 28341 describes the reconstruction of the toe with macrodactyly requiring bone resection.

CPT Code 28344

CPT 28344 describes the reconstruction of the toe(s) with polydactyly.

CPT Code 28345

CPT 28345 describes the reconstruction of toes with syndactyly, with or without skin grafts for each web.

CPT Code 28360

CPT 28360 describes the reconstruction of a cleft foot.

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