CPT Codes For Tissue Typing Immunological Procedures

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for tissue typing immunological procedures.

CPT Code 86805

CPT 86805 describes a lymphocytotoxicity assay, visual crossmatch with titration.

CPT Code 86806

CPT 86806 describes a lymphocytotoxicity assay, visual crossmatch without titration.

CPT Code 86807

CPT 86807 describes serum screening for cytotoxic percent reactive antibody (PRA) with a standard method.

CPT Code 86808

CPT 86808 describes a quick method for serum screening for cytotoxic percent reactive antibody (PRA).

CPT Code 86812

CPT 86812 describes HLA typing, including single antigen typing for A, B, or C (e.g., A10, B7, B27).

CPT Code 86813

CPT 86813 describes HLA typing for multiple A, B, or C antigens.

CPT Code 86816

CPT 86816 describes HLA typing; DR/DQ, single antigen.

CPT Code 86817

CPT 86817 describes HLA typing, DR/DQ, and multiple antigens.

CPT Code 86821

CPT 86821 describes HLA typing, lymphocyte culture, and mixed (MLC).

CPT Code 86825

CPT 86825 describes a non-cytotoxic Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) crossmatch, such as using flow cytometry, for the first serum sample or dilution.

CPT Code 86828

CPT 86828 describes the qualitative assessment of the presence or absence of antibody(ies) to HLA Class I and Class II HLA antigens, using solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, and flow cytometry.

CPT Code 86829

CPT 86829 describes the qualitative assessment of the presence or absence of antibody(ies) to HLA Class I or Class II HLA antigens using solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, or Flow cytometry.

CPT Code 86830

CPT 86830 describes the identification of antibodies to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) by a qualitative panel using complete HLA phenotypes, HLA Class I, through solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, and Flow cytometry.

CPT Code 86831

CPT 86831 describes the identification of antibodies to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) by a qualitative panel using complete HLA phenotypes, HLA Class II, through solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, and Flow cytometry.

CPT Code 86832

CPT 86832 describes solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, and Flow cytometry for the high-definition qualitative panel to identify antibody specificities to human leukocyte antigens (HLA), including individual antigen per bead methodology for HLA Class I.

CPT Code 86833

CPT 86833 describes solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, and Flow cytometry for the high-definition qualitative panel for identifying antibody specificities to human leukocyte antigens (HLA), including individual antigen per bead methodology for HLA Class II.

CPT Code 86834

CPT 86834 describes semi-quantitative panel assays (e.g., titer) for human leukocyte antigens (HLA) Class I, using solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, or Flow cytometry.

CPT Code 86835

CPT 86835 describes semi-quantitative panel assays such as titer for detecting antibodies to human leukocyte antigens (HLA), using solid phase assays such as microspheres or beads, ELISA, and Flow cytometry, specifically for HLA Class II.

CPT Code 86849

CPT 86849 describes an unlisted immunology procedure.

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