Disorders Specifically Associated With Stress – ICD 11 Codes

Definition of Disorders Specifically Associated With Stress: Disorders specifically associated with stress are directly related to exposure to a stressful or traumatic event, or a series of such events or adverse experiences. For each of the disorders in this grouping, an identifiable stressor is a necessary, though not sufficient, causal factor. Although not all individuals exposed to an identified stressor will develop a disorder, the disorders in this grouping would not have occurred without experiencing the stressor. Stressful events for some disorders in this grouping are within the normal range of life experiences (e.g., divorce, socio-economic problems, bereavement). Other disorders require the experience of a stressor of an extremely threatening or horrific nature (i.e., potentially traumatic events). With all disorders in this grouping, it is the nature, pattern, and duration of the symptoms that arise in response to the stressful events—together with associated functional impairment—that distinguishes the disorders.


  • Burnout (QD85)
  • Acute stress reaction (QE84)

Post traumatic stress disorder

Definition of Post traumatic stress disorder: Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may develop following exposure to an extremely threatening or horrific event or series of events. It is characterised by all of the following: 1) re-experiencing the traumatic event or events in the present in the form of vivid intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares. Re-experiencing may occur via one or multiple sensory modalities and is typically accompanied by strong or overwhelming emotions, particularly fear or horror, and strong physical sensations; 2) avoidance of thoughts and memories of the event or events, or avoidance of activities, situations, or people reminiscent of the event(s); and 3) persistent perceptions of heightened current threat, for example as indicated by hypervigilance or an enhanced startle reaction to stimuli such as unexpected noises. The symptoms persist for at least several weeks and cause significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

ICD 11 Code For Post traumatic stress disorder

  6B40  Post traumatic stress disorder


  • Traumatic neurosis


  • Acute stress reaction (QE84)
  • Complex post traumatic stress disorder (6B41)

Complex post traumatic stress disorder

Definition of Complex post traumatic stress disorder: Complex post traumatic stress disorder (Complex PTSD) is a disorder that may develop following exposure to an event or series of events of an extremely threatening or horrific nature, most commonly prolonged or repetitive events from which escape is difficult or impossible (e.g. torture, slavery, genocide campaigns, prolonged domestic violence, repeated childhood sexual or physical abuse). All diagnostic requirements for PTSD are met. In addition, Complex PTSD is characterised by severe and persistent 1) problems in affect regulation; 2) beliefs about oneself as diminished, defeated or worthless, accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt or failure related to the traumatic event; and 3) difficulties in sustaining relationships and in feeling close to others. These symptoms cause significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

ICD 11 Code For Complex post traumatic stress disorder

  6B41  Complex post traumatic stress disorder


  • Post traumatic stress disorder (6B40)

Prolonged grief disorder

Definition of Prolonged grief disorder: Prolonged grief disorder is a disturbance in which, following the death of a partner, parent, child, or other person close to the bereaved, there is persistent and pervasive grief response characterised by longing for the deceased or persistent preoccupation with the deceased accompanied by intense emotional pain (e.g. sadness, guilt, anger, denial, blame, difficulty accepting the death, feeling one has lost a part of one’s self, an inability to experience positive mood, emotional numbness, difficulty in engaging with social or other activities). The grief response has persisted for an atypically long period of time following the loss (more than 6 months at a minimum) and clearly exceeds expected social, cultural or religious norms for the individual’s culture and context. Grief reactions that have persisted for longer periods that are within a normative period of grieving given the person’s cultural and religious context are viewed as normal bereavement responses and are not assigned a diagnosis. The disturbance causes significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

ICD 11 Code For Prolonged grief disorder

  6B42  Prolonged grief disorder

Adjustment disorder

Definition of Adjustment disorder: Adjustment disorder is a maladaptive reaction to an identifiable psychosocial stressor or multiple stressors (e.g. divorce, illness or disability, socio-economic problems, conflicts at home or work) that usually emerges within a month of the stressor. The disorder is characterised by preoccupation with the stressor or its consequences, including excessive worry, recurrent and distressing thoughts about the stressor, or constant rumination about its implications, as well as by failure to adapt to the stressor that causes significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorder, another Disorder Specifically Associated with Stress) and typically resolve within 6 months, unless the stressor persists for a longer duration.

ICD 11 Code For Adjustment disorder

  6B43  Adjustment disorder


  • separation anxiety disorder of childhood (6B05)
  • Recurrent depressive disorder (6A71)
  • Single episode depressive disorder (6A70)
  • Prolonged grief disorder (6B42)
  • Uncomplicated bereavement (QE62)
  • Burnout (QD85)
  • Acute stress reaction (QE84)

Reactive attachment disorder

Definition of Reactive attachment disorder: Reactive attachment disorder is characterised by grossly abnormal attachment behaviours in early childhood, occurring in the context of a history of grossly inadequate child care (e.g., severe neglect, maltreatment, institutional deprivation). Even when an adequate primary caregiver is newly available, the child does not turn to the primary caregiver for comfort, support and nurture, rarely displays security-seeking behaviours towards any adult, and does not respond when comfort is offered. Reactive attachment disorder can only be diagnosed in children, and features of the disorder develop within the first 5 years of life. However, the disorder cannot be diagnosed before the age of 1 year (or a developmental age of less than 9 months), when the capacity for selective attachments may not be fully developed, or in the context of Autism spectrum disorder.

ICD 11 Code For Reactive attachment disorder

  6B44  Reactive attachment disorder


  • Asperger syndrome (6A02)
  • disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood (6B45)

Disinhibited social engagement disorder

Definition of Disinhibited social engagement disorder: Disinhibited social engagement disorder is characterised by grossly abnormal social behaviour, occurring in the context of a history of grossly inadequate child care (e.g., severe neglect, institutional deprivation). The child approaches adults indiscriminately, lacks reticence to approach, will go away with unfamiliar adults, and exhibits overly familiar behaviour towards strangers. Disinhibited social engagement disorder can only be diagnosed in children, and features of the disorder develop within the first 5 years of life. However, the disorder cannot be diagnosed before the age of 1 year (or a developmental age of less than 9 months), when the capacity for selective attachments may not be fully developed, or in the context of Autism spectrum disorder.

ICD 11 Code For Disinhibited social engagement disorder

  6B45  Disinhibited social engagement disorder


  • Asperger syndrome (6A02)
  • Adjustment disorder (6B43)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (6A05)
  • reactive attachment disorder of childhood (6B44)

Other specified disorders specifically associated with stress

ICD 11 Code For Other specified disorders specifically associated with stress

  6B4Y  Other specified disorders specifically associated with stress

Disorders specifically associated with stress unspecified

ICD 11 Code For Disorders specifically associated with stress unspecified

  6B4Z  Disorders specifically associated with stress unspecified

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