Modifier 78 | Unplanned Return to the Operating/Procedure Room

Modifier 78 | Unplanned Return to the Operating/Procedure Room

Modifier 78 describes an unplanned return to the operating/procedure room by the same physician or other qualified health care professional the following the initial procedure for a related procedure during the postoperative period. In this article, we will explain modifier 78, including its definition, when to use it, examples, documentation requirements, billing, common mistakes, other…

Modifier 74 | Discontinued Outpatient Procedures After Anesthesia Administration

Modifier 74 describes a discontinued outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgery center procedure after the administration of anesthesia. In this article, we will explain modifier 74, including its definition, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, common mistakes, related modifiers, and additional tips for medical coders. 1. What is modifier 74? Modifier 74 indicates that a provider…

Modifier 73 | Discontinued Outpatient Procedures Prior To Anesthesia Administration

Modifier 73 describes a discontinued outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgery center procedure before the administration of anesthesia. 1. What is modifier 73? Modifier 73 indicates that a provider terminated a surgical or diagnostic procedure requiring anesthesia before administering anesthesia due to extenuating circumstances threatening the patient’s well-being. 2. When to use modifier 73? Modifier 73…