Write a guest blog

Are you a writer, content-creator, blogger or medical coding expert? Working with us will enable you to share your knowledge with a wider audience and established brands.

We’re looking for copywriters, guest bloggers and uplifting voices who are interested in joining our team.

The ideal candidate will:

  • Work directly with us.
  • Be able to write in English fluently
  • Understand and be confident with SEO
  • Be enthusiastic and well-informed about medical coding topics
  • Be a critical and science-based researcher

If this sounds like you, please fill in the contact form below and include the following:

  • Tell us about yourself and why you want to be a part of Coding Ahead
  • A description of your previous experience
  • Examples of your own articles (If you have not previously been published, you can still send us articles you have written for yourself or your own blog)
  • 3-4 pitch ideas you would like to write about

Partnerships & Advertising

Want your brand to be seen by the right people?

We are always looking to support brands and companies in the medical niche. Our highly engaged readers come to us for in depth articles about medical coding. 90% of our visitors are based in the US.

Please fill out the contact form below. We aim to respond within 48 hours.
