cpt P9604

Flat Rate P9604 (2021)

The CMS will pay a minimum of $10.00 (based on CY 2018) one way flat rate travel allowance. The flat rate travel allowance is to be used in areas where average trips are less than 20 miles round trip. The flat rate travel fee is to be pro-rated for more than one blood drawn at the same address, and for stops at the homes of Medicare and non-Medicare patients. The laboratory does the pro-ration when the claim is submitted based on the number of patients seen on that trip. The specimen collection fee will be paid for each patient encounter.

This rate is based on an assumption that a trip is an average of 15 minutes and up to 10 miles one way. It uses the Federal mileage rate and a laboratory technician’s time of $17.66 an hour, including overhead. 

Contractors have the option of establishing a flat rate in excess of the minimum of $10.00, if local conditions warrant it. The minimum national flat rate will be reviewed and updated in conjunction with the clinical laboratory fee schedule, as necessitated by adjustments in the Federal travel allowance and salaries. 

The claimant identifies round trip travel by use of the LR modifier

See Examples..

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