How To Use HCPCS Code G8816

HCPCS code G8816 describes the use of a statin medication prescribed at discharge. This code is used to identify the specific medication and its administration in the context of a patient’s discharge from a healthcare facility. In this article, we will explore the details of HCPCS code G8816, including its official description, procedure, when to…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8815

HCPCS code G8815 describes the documented reason in the medical records for why statin therapy was not prescribed. This code is used to indicate that the lower extremity bypass procedure was performed on a patient with non-atherosclerotic disease, which is the reason why statin therapy was not recommended or prescribed. 1. What is HCPCS G8815?…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8811

HCPCS code G8811 describes the documentation of rh-immunoglobulin (rhogam) not being ordered, with no reason given. This code is used to indicate that the healthcare provider did not order rh-immunoglobulin for a patient, and there is no explanation provided for this decision. It is important for medical coders to understand the specific usage and meaning…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8810

HCPCS code G8810 describes the use of Rh-immunoglobulin (RhoGAM) not being ordered for reasons documented by the clinician. This code is used when a patient has a documented receipt of RhoGAM within the past 12 weeks or when the patient refuses to receive the medication. It is important for medical coders to understand the specific…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8809

HCPCS code G8809 describes the order for Rh-immunoglobulin (rhogam). This code is used to identify the specific medical procedure of ordering Rh-immunoglobulin, which is a medication used to prevent Rh incompatibility in pregnant women. 1. What is HCPCS G8809? HCPCS code G8809 is a specific code used in medical coding to identify the order for…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8808

HCPCS code G8808 describes a specific situation where a trans-abdominal or trans-vaginal ultrasound is not performed, and the reason for not performing the ultrasound is not given. This code is used to indicate that an ultrasound procedure was not conducted for a particular patient, but the exact reason for not performing the ultrasound is not…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8807

HCPCS code G8807 describes a specific situation where a trans-abdominal or trans-vaginal ultrasound is not performed for reasons documented by the clinician. This code is used to indicate that the patient has a documented intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) and therefore, the ultrasound is not necessary in this particular case. 1. What is HCPCS G8807? HCPCS code…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8806

HCPCS code G8806 describes the performance of trans-abdominal or trans-vaginal ultrasound and pregnancy location documented. This code is used to identify a specific procedure that involves the use of ultrasound technology to determine the location of a pregnancy. In this article, we will explore the details of HCPCS code G8806, including its official description, procedure,…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8798

HCPCS code G8798 describes a specimen site other than the anatomic location of the prostate. This code is used to identify cases where a specimen is collected from a site that is not the prostate. It is important for medical coders to understand the meaning and usage of this code in order to accurately report…

How To Use HCPCS Code G8797

HCPCS code G8797 describes a specimen site other than the anatomic location of the esophagus. This code is used to identify cases where a specimen is collected from a site that is not the esophagus. It is important for medical coders to understand the meaning and usage of this code to ensure accurate documentation and…