fatigue icd 10

(2022) How To Code Fatigue ICD 10 – List With Codes & Guidelines

Are you looking for Fatigue ICD 10 & 11 Codes? This article includes all the medical codes you will need to report Fatigue, as well as other related specific ICD 10 codes such asChronic Fatigue Syndrome and Adrenal Fatigue.

Read on for a summary of the necessary ICD 10 & 11 codes followed by a further description.

What Is Fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling that is used to describe round-the-clock tiredness/weakness, causes can be different but mostly mental and dietary related.

Fatigue is considered a normal condition after some hard physical activity or after some tense mental work but if there is no such visible exertion from the human body and the body is still experiencing weakness, it’s the sign of fatigue.

It affects people of all ages but currently, most adults are experiencing different types of fatigue at some point in their life.

List With ICD 10 & 11 Codes For Fatigue

This article covers the following ICD 10 & 11 Codes:

ICD 10 Codes For Fatigue

ICD 10 CM R53 – Malaise and fatigue

ICD 10 CM R53.8 – Other malaise and fatigue

ICD 10 CMR53.83 – Other fatigue

ICD 10 CM R53.82 – Chronic fatigue, unspecified

ICD 10 CM D89 – Other disorders involving the immune mechanism, not elsewhere classified

ICD 10 CM D89.9 – Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified

ICD 10 CM M79.7 – Fibromyalgia

ICD 10 CM R53.81 – Other malaise

ICD 10 CM R53.1 – Weakness

ICD 10 CM T46 – Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system

ICD 10 CM T46.5 – Other antihypertensive drugs, not elsewhere classified

ICD 10 CM T46.5X5A – Adverse effect of other antihypertensive drugs, initial encounter

ICD 10 CM M62 – Other disorders of muscle

ICD 10 CM M62.81 – Muscle weakness (generalized)

ICD 10 CM R53.0 – Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue

ICD 10 CM G93 – Other disorders of brain

ICD 10 CM G93.3 – Postviral fatigue syndrome

ICD 10 CM E27.49 – Other adrenocortical insufficiency

ICD 10 CM O26.811 – Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, first trimester

ICD 10 CM O26.812 – Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, second trimester

ICD 10 CM O26.813 – Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, third trimester

ICD 10 CM O26.8 – Other specified pregnancy related conditions

ICD 10 CM O26.819 – Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, unspecified trimester

ICD 10 CM O26.899 – Other specified pregnancy related conditions, unspecified trimester

ICD 10 CM JA65.Y – Maternal care for other specified conditions predominantly related to pregnancy

ICD 10 CM FB32.5 – Muscle strain or sprain

ICD 11 Codes For Fatigue

ICD 11 MG25 – Feeling ill

ICD 11 8E49 – Postviral fatigue syndrome

ICD 11 MG22 – Fatigue

ICD 11 JA65.Y – Fatigue in pregnancy

ICD 11 FB32.5 – Muscle fatigue

Fatigue ICD 10

TheFatigue ICD 10 code is R53.83. Searching of the ICD 10 CM Code for fatigue starts with the main term “Fatigue’ in the alphabetic index and code category R53 in the tabular index. All codes, under subcategory R53.8, describe either fatigue or malaise.

If multiple diagnoses are being coded for the same encounter, coding instructions like Code also, Code first, Exclude 1, and Exclude 2 should be consulted first. Code R53.83 should be used when the condition is mentioned as only “fatigue”.

ICD 10 Fatigue Unspecified

TheICD 10 Fatigue Unspecified code is R53.83. Fatigue, in absence of any other specified term with it, is considered unspecified.

If the confirmed condition is Fatigue, code selection, according to CMS guidelines will be R53.83, Yes, the code description does state “other fatigue” but lack of more specified code has left only with a single option.

Other Fatigue ICD 10 Code

TheOther Fatigue ICD 10 code is R53.83. When there is a more specified description is available like lethargy or lack of energy with fatigue and no specified code is available, following ICD-10 guidelines, the code selection will be R53.83.

Severe Fatigue ICD 10

A separate or combination code for severity/acute fatigue is not available, same code should be used when fatigue is mentioned as “severe fatigue”, the ICD 10 code for severe fatigue is R53.83.

Fatigue ICD 11 Code

TheFatigue ICD 11 code is MG22. Whether it’s described as fatigue, acute fatigue, severe fatigue, or lethargy, only one stem code should be used for all of the descriptions that are “MG22”.

Any other manifestation is yet to be described, as there are no official guidelines for extension codes are available currently.

icd 10 code for fatigue

How To Code Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The following information is written to help you decipher how to code Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be defined as serious, long-term weakness and illness that affects different body systems to a different extent.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome are often not able to do their usual activities. At times, chronic fatigue syndrome may confine them to bed. People with chronic fatigue syndrome have severe fatigue, mental, physical, and sleep problems.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD 10 Code

The chronic fatigue syndrome ICD 10 code is R53.82. The main term in the alphabetic index for this condition should be “syndrome”.

Sub terms fatigue/chronic direct to subcategory R53.8 that can be verified in a tabular index. Only one code R53.82 has descriptions for both chronic fatigue and syndrome under it.

ICD 10 Code For Chronic Fatigue And Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

A combination coded for both conditions is not available currently; both conditions should be coded separately.

Looking into the main term “disorder” and then finding “Immune” in the alphabetic index leads to category D89 (Other disorders involving the immune mechanism).

ICD 10 Code For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There is not a specific code for immune dysfunction syndrome in this category, use D89.9 for immune dysfunction disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome will be coded secondary as R53.82.

The ICD 10 code for chronic fatigue syndrome is R53.82 and D89.9.

ICD 10 Code For Chronic Fatigue And Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

The ICD 10 code for chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome isD89.9.

Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Syndrome ICD 10 Code

The chronic fatigue fibromyalgia syndrome ICD 10 code is R53.82 and M79.7.

Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, both terms overlap each other. Fibromyalgia can more accurately be defined as pain in the whole body that has gotten more sensitive to pain stimuli because of some injury, fracture, or nerve rupture.

It affects both physically and mentally and is mostly treated by injections and therapy treatments.

According to ICD 10 cm guidelines, in absence of a combination code, both conditions should be coded separately.

If a medical chart states that the condition is either fibromyalgia syndrome or only fibromyalgia, M79.7 should be used in both cases. In addition, chronic fatigue will be coded separately as R53.82.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD 11 Code

TheChronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD 11 code is 8E49. Searching for chronic fatigue syndrome in the WHO coding tool will lead to post-viral fatigue syndrome, which may sound confusing, but there is a list of inclusion terms under the main stem code “8E49” and chronic pain syndrome is one of those terms.

chronic fatigue syndrome icd 10

How To Code Fatigue And Malaise

The following information is written to help you decipher how to code Fatigue And Malaise.

What Are Fatigue And Malaise?

Malaise and fatigue are common symptoms of a wide-ranging list of ailments. 

Malaise can simply be described as an overall sensitivity to discomfort & lacking well-being. 

Fatigue is extreme tiredness, weakness, and energy deprivation or motivation for everyday activities.

Fatigue And Malaise ICD 10

Both conditions can be found in the alphabetic index, have the same subcategory R53.8 but different codes. The first code in this subcategory, R53.81 for other malaise, and the third code R53.83 should be used for fatigue.

Consulting instructional notes and conventions when coding multiple conditions will make code assignment appropriate.

TheFatigue And Malaise ICD 10 code is R53.81 for Malaise and R53.83 for Fatigue.

ICD 10 Code For Malaise And Fatigue Unspecified

TheICD 10 Code For Malaise And Fatigue Unspecified are R53.83 and R53.81. If a malaise or fatigue condition is described as unspecified, the same set of codes R53.81 and R53.83 should be used as no other codes are available to code these conditions.

ICD 10 Malaise And Fatigue NEC

TheICD 10 Malaise And Fatigue NEC codes are R53.83 and R53.81.

Malaise and fatigue are two different conditions that are present in the same subcategory of the ICD 10 coding edition.

When a malaise or fatigue is explained with the more specified term in the medical chart but there is no specified code available, the NEC rule is used.

A code for “Other malaise” applies to Malaise NEC and code R53.83 for “other fatigue” is applicable to fatigue NEC. 

Fatigue And Malaise ICD 11 Code

TheFatigue And Malaise ICD 11 codes are MG22 and MG25. Fatigue “MG22” for fatigue has already been discussed but there is no combination of code available for coding both fatigue and malaise, it’s necessary to code both conditions separately.

Malaise falls under “MG25” which is the main stem code for “feeling ill” and malaise is present as an inclusion term.                                              

fatigue and malaise icd 10

How To Code Weakness And Fatigue

The following information is written to help you decipher how to code Weakness And Malaise.

What Is Weakness And Fatigue?

Weakness is a general lacking of physical muscle strength with a combined reduced ability to move the body, no matter how hard one tries. 

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness or extreme lack of energy.

Weakness And Fatigue ICD 10

If these two conditions co-exist, two codes from the same category R53 would be appropriate to complete the coding.

According to the ICD 10 system, R53.1 for weakness and other code R53.83 should be used for weakness and fatigue.

Fatigue And Weakness Due To Lisinopril ICD 10

Fatigue and weakness due to Lisinopril come under the category T46 (Poisoning by, adverse effect of and under-dosing of other antihypertensive drugs).

The subcategory T46.5 has all the codes for self-harm, assault, adverse effects, overdosing, and under-dosing.

If the use of a drug is not specified, code T46.5X5A for adverse drug reaction should be used. As per ICD10, coding guidelines fatigue and weakness due to Lisinopril are coded as R53.1 and R53.83 as primary diagnosis codes and T46.5X5A as secondary.

Generalized Weakness And Fatigue ICD 10

Generalized weakness is considered muscle weakness in coding language and coded with the M62 category.

A code for generalized weakness M62.81 and fatigue R53.83 is appropriate when the condition is described as generalized weakness with fatigue.                                    

malaise and fatigue icd 10

How To Code Daytime Fatigue

The following information is written to help you decipher how to code Daytime Fatigue.

What Is Daytime Fatigue?

People with daytime fatigue feel tiredness and weakness all day but are usually unable to fall asleep during the day.

They feel weak and unable to get through daily living activities normally. Symptoms of daytime fatigue include but are not limited to Weariness, weakness, and depleted energy. 

Daytime Fatigue ICD 10

Daytime fatigue does is not specified as a complete medical term currently in the ICD-10 coding system, therefore, Daytime fatigue does not have a specified code available to use in the ICD-10-CM system, Following ICD-10 guidelines, the code to use for daytime fatigue is R53.83.

Excessive Daytime Fatigue ICD 10

TheExcessive Daytime Fatigue ICD 10 code is R53.83. ICD 10 edition, until 2022, has not granted any exclusive term for “excessive daytime fatigue”. The only code that should be used is R53.83 to describe this condition as NEC or other classified condition of disease.

Daytime Fatigue In Primary Hypersomnia ICD 10

Daytime fatigue in primary hypersomnia doesn’t have a combination code so the code selection will lead to code both conditions separately.

TheDaytime Fatigue In Primary Hypersomnia ICD 10 code is G47.10 for Hypersomnia and R53.83 for Fatigue should be used.

Daytime Fatigue ICD 11 Code

TheDaytime Fatigue ICD 11 code is MG22. Neither a different term is specified in ICD 11 nor has a code been assigned for this condition.

The same stem code with an extension for fatigue should be used to completely describe this condition.

How To Code Cancer Related Fatigue

The following information is written to help you determine how to codeCancer Related Fatigue.

What Is Cancer Related Fatigue?

Cancer related fatigue (CRF) is a severe form of fatigue and weakness among people with neoplasm.

It can be described as severe tiredness, weakness, and exhaustion and never go away with sleep and rest, making it necessarily chronic.

Cancer Related Fatigue ICD 10

Under the main term Malaise and fatigue, there lies a code for neoplastic related fatigue R53.0. Associated cancer should be coded as a primary condition according to instructional notes under the code.

R53.0 can never be used as primary code. Use any code from the neoplasm category (D00C99) first and then assign R53.0 as secondary code.

Cancer Related Fatigue ICD 11 Code

The main stem code “MG22” for fatigue and another stem code for the type of neoplasm with an extension would be appropriate to code the condition.

There is no combination code is available in the ICD 11 system currently for cancer with fatigue. TheCancer Related Fatigue ICD 11 code is MG22 with an extension from cancer.

chronic fatigue icd 10

How To Code Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome

The following information is written to help you determine how to code Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome.

What Is Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome?

A syndrome that is usually characterized by constant fatigue, diffused muscle pain, sleep order disturbances, and related cognitive impairment of 6 months duration or longer period.

Symptoms of this disorder are not caused by ongoing exertion; not treated by rest, and result in a problem of daily living activities.

Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome ICD 10

ThePost Viral Fatigue Syndrome ICD 10 code is G93.3. While searching for ICD 10 of post viral fatigue syndrome, the main term “syndrome” has sub term ‘brain’ which instructs to use G category. G93 ‘Other disorders of brain’ has the code for this specific condition.

ICD 10 Code For Chronic Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome

Post viral fatigue is already confirmed as a chronic condition, chronic post-viral fatigue syndrome does not have a specified code available to use in the ICD 10 CM system, and therefore, the same code G93.3 should be used for chronic conditions here.

Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome ICD 11 Code

Typing “post-viral fatigue” syndrome in the ICD-11 coding tool will directly provide stem code category “8E49”. Inclusion, exclusion, and “use additional “conventions should be consulted before selecting an extension. 

The ICD 11 code for post-viral fatigue syndrome is 8E49.

How To Code Adrenal Fatigue

The following information is written to help you determine how to code Adrenal Fatigue.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is not a medical diagnosis as per medical terminology. A collection of nonspecific, several symptoms, such as body aches, weakness, fatigue, mental or behavioral problems can lead to adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal glands are a production factory for several body hormones that regulate a human body; any abnormality can affect normal body function.

Adrenal Fatigue ICD 10

The adrenal fatigue ICD 10 code is R53.83.

Adrenal fatigue does not have a specified code available to use in the ICD 10 CM system, If adrenal deficiency or a similar condition is mentioned in the assessment section, following the ICD 10 guidelines, the coding rule advises using E27.49 Other adrenocortical insufficiencies.

However, if the assessment is only documented as “adrenal deficiency” then the NEC classification system should be used and R53.83 as other fatigue is the most appropriate code.

Adrenal Fatigue ICD 11 Code

TheAdrenal Fatigue ICD 11 code is MG22. ICD 11 edition also has not provided a specified diagnosis code for adrenal fatigue, choosing stem code “MG22” and then an extension code based on severity or other related factors will complete a condition coding.

icd 10 fatigue unspecified

How To Code Fatigue In Pregnancy

The following information is written to help you determine how to code Fatigue In Pregnancy.

What Is Fatigue In Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is mostly accompanied by different mental, emotional and physical body changes that can affect a woman with fatigue, weakness, emotional disorder ranging from mild tiredness and weakness to severe exhaustion.

Fatigue In Pregnancy ICD 10

For a condition related to pregnancy, every primary code should start with the letter ‘O”. Fatigue is present under the main term “pregnancy” in the alphabetic index as conditions related to pregnancy.

A code for pregnancy with fatigue should be selected from the following options after carefully noting the trimester.

O26.811 Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, first trimester

O26.812 Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, second trimester

026.813 Pregnancy related exhaustion and fatigue, third trimester

Chronic Fatigue In Pregnancy ICD 10

Coding for the pregnancy-related condition should always be within the category starting with the letter “O”, chronic fatigue does not have a separate code in the pregnancy category, it is advised to use the same list of codes in the O26.8 subcategory with the description of the trimester.

If there is no trimester is mentioned, TheChronic Fatigue In Pregnancy ICD 10 code is O26.819.

Malaise And Fatigue In Pregnancy ICD 10

TheMalaise And Fatigue In Pregnancy ICD 10 code is O26.819, O26.899, and R53.81.

There is no specific code for the malaise in pregnancy, in that case, the ICD 10 system has provided a subcategory “O26.8 where not classified conditions can be coded as “other specified conditions complicating pregnancy”.

Malaise should be coded as O26.899 if the trimester is not specified.

Fatigue In Pregnancy ICD 11 Code

TheFatigue In Pregnancy ICD 11 code is JA65.Y. The main stem code is located in “maternal care of other specified conditions during pregnancy”.

By typing “fatigue pregnancy” in the coding tool, “fatigue complicating pregnancy” can be found in the inclusion terms of the JA65.Y stem code.

chronic fatigue icd 10 code

How To Code Muscle Fatigue

The following information is written to help you determine how to code Muscle Fatigue.

What Is Muscle Fatigue?

Muscle fatigue is the constant decline inability of muscles to generate enough force. It can be a result of tense physical exercise but barriers to or interference with the different types of muscle contraction can cause abnormal fatigue.

Muscle Fatigue ICD 10

TheMuscle Fatigue ICD 10 code is R53.83. According to ICD-10-CM rules of choosing a code, muscle fatigue has the same code as normal fatigue.

Before selecting a code, it is advised to read the coding instructions like Code also, Code first, excludes 1 and Exclude 2 diagnosis list. These instructions are present under both categories, subcategories, and complete codes.

Muscle Fatigue ICD 11

TheMuscle Fatigue ICD 11 code is FB32.5. Searching the main term “muscle fatigue” in the ICD-11 coding tool will provide a stem code “FB32.5” and muscle fatigue be mentioned in inclusion terms. The extension codes should be selected based on literality and types of affected muscles.

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