icd 10 right hip pain

(2022) How To Code Right Hip Pain ICD 10 – List With Codes & Guidelines

Right hip pain ICD 10 coding is made easier with our billing guidelines. This article includes all medical codes you will need to report right hip pain and related specific ICD 10 & 11 codes. Read on to get a summary of the necessary codes followed by a further description.

What Is Right Hip Pain?

Hip pain is a common term for pain felt in or near a hip joint. Pain is not always felt at the waist but in the groin or thigh region. It is a sharp pain and burning sensation that affects the waistband moving toward the hips and thighs.

There are many causes of hip joint pain. Some hip pain is temporary, while others can be long-lasting or permanent.

Causes of hip pain include arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis, fractures, fractures, septic arthritis, avascular necrosis, Gaucher’s disease, sciatica, muscle stiffness.

Symptoms include:

  • limping,
  • joint pain,
  • groin pain,
  • loss of motion of the hip,
  • warmth,
  • swelling over the hip,
  • tenderness of the hip,
  • difficulty sleeping on the hip.

And they depend on the causative factor responsible for the pain. The hip could be a cause of permanent disability.

Health care providers diagnose hip pain with a detailed history and physical examination. The maneuvers include internal and external rotations, which help to delineate pain aggravating positions.

Hip Tenderness can be checked by palpating the affected areas. A health care professional may use imaging studies, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans, to further explain the causes of hip pain.

In some cases, skeletal bone scanners are used to create a swollen or broken bone picture.

Treatment of hip pain depends on the exact cause of the pain. It may include rest, weight loss, cold therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications.

For local inflammation, the injection of cortisone (steroids) is sometimes used to reduce inflammation; Antibiotics are used in the presence of infection.

Fractures may require Treatment with surgical repair, including pins, plates, and screws, and a complete replacement of the joints. With severe arthritis, complete replacement of the joints is possible.

Right Hip Pain ICD 10

ICD 10 right hip pain is coded as M25.551 and is used for reimbursement purposes. This code resides in chapter XIII the musculoskeletal (M00-M99).

According to ICD 10 guidelines, under block other joint disorders M20-M25, category other joint disorder, not elsewhere classified M25 subcategory M25.5 pain in joint.

Right hip pain could be due to trauma following a fall patient may present acutely; hence it is coded as M25.551.

G89.11 codes for acute pain due to trauma located in chapter VI disease of the nervous system G00-G99, under block disorders of the nervous system G89-G99, category pain, not elsewhere classified.

Right hip pain could be chronic following a trauma to the joint it is coded as M25.551, G89.21, which codes for chronic pain due to trauma.

right hip pain icd 10
ICD 10 code for right hip pain M25.551.

ICD 10 right hip pain M25.551 could follow a surgical procedure such as hemiarthroplasty, which is coded as G89.18, another acute post-procedural pain,

in a situation where there is an infection of the surgical site following a hemiarthroplasty operation leading to osteomyelitis with chronic pain, G89.28 codes other chronic post-procedural pain.

Right hip pain M25.551 could result from a malignancy such as chondrosarcoma, characterized by very severe hip pain and coded as G89.3 Neoplasm-related pain, which could be acute or chronic.

Right hip pain M25.551 could result from bursitis, which is an inflammation of small fluid sacs called bursae that cushion muscles, tendons, and bones near a joint:

Trochanteric bursitis of right hip, which is coded as M70.62.

Other bursitis of the hip, right hip, is coded as M70.71.

Abscess of bursa right hip M71.051.

Other infective bursitis, right hip M71.151.

Other bursa cysts, right hip M71.351.

There could be calcification of bursitis around the hip leading to chronic pain. It is coded as an M71.451 calcium deposit in the bursa right hip.

Other specified bursopathies right hip coded as M75.851.

ICD 10 right hip pain M25.551 could result from tendonitis, which is an inflammation of the strong fibrous tissue that connects muscle to the bone from wear and tear over time, such as gluteal tendinitis or gluteal tendinopathy.

  • M76.01 codes gluteal tendinitis.
  • PSOAS tendinitis right hip M76.11.

Right hip pain ICD 10 M25.551 could be a result of direct trauma to the iliac crest, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, muscle weakness

  • M76.21 codes iliac crest spur, right hip. 

Right hip pain M25.551 could result from arthritis, a common cause of long-term hip pain.

Infectious arthropathies such as pyogenic arthritis occur due to infection to the joint, causing destruction of cartilage.

Staphylococcal arthritis right hip M00.051.

Pneumococcal arthritis, right hip M00.151.

Other streptococcal arthritis, right hip M00.251.

Arthropathy following intestinal bypass right hip M02.051.

Postdysentric arthropathy right hip M02.151.

Post-immunization arthropathy right hip M02.251.

Reiter disease Right hip M02.351.

Other reactive arthropathies right hip M02.851.

Felty’s syndrome right hip M05.051.

Rheumatoid lung disease with rheumatoid arthritis of right hip M05.151.

Rheumatoid vasculitis with rheumatoid arthritis of right hip M05.251.

Rheumatoid polyneuropathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right hip M05.551.

Idiopathic gout, right hip M10.051.

Right hip pain M25.551 could be a result of superficial injury to the hip, such as hip contusion, which is a mild injury that occurs as a result of direct impact to the hip, abrasion of the hip, insect bite, blisters.

icd 10 code for right hip pain
ICD 10 code for right hip pain M25.5.

M25.551 includes:

Contusion of right hip initial encounter S70.01XA.

Contusion of right hip subsequent encounter S70.01XD. 

Contusion of right hip sequelae S70.01XS.

Abrasion of right hip initial encounter S70.211A.

Abrasion of right hip subsequent encounter S70.211D.

Abrasion of right sequelae S70.211S.

Blister (nonthermal) right hip initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae are coded respectively as S70.221AS70.211DS70.211S.

ICD 10 right hip pain M25.551 could be due to dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of the hip:

Posterior subluxation of right hip joint first encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae are coded respectively as S73.011A, S73.011D, S73.011S.

Central dislocation of right hip initial encounter, subsequent, and sequelae are coded as S73.044A, S73.044D, S73.044S, respectively.

Iliofemoral ligament sprain of right hip, initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae are coded as S73.111A, S73.111D, S73.111S.

Right hip pain M25.551 could be as a result of injury of muscle, fascia, and tendon at hip and thigh level:

A strain of muscle, fascia, and tendon of the right hip. Initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae are coded as S76.011A, S76.011D, S76.011S.

Laceration of muscle, fascia, and tendon of right hip initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae are coded as S76.021A, S76.021D, S76.021S.

Right hip pain M25.551 could be as a result of crushing injury of hip and thigh:

Crushing injury of the right hip, initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae are coded as S77.01XA, S77.01XD, and S77.01XS.

Right hip pain ICD 10 M25.551 could result from the traumatic amputation of the hip and thigh. 

Complete traumatic amputation at right hip joint, initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae which are coded as S78.011AS78.011D, and S78.011S.

Partial traumatic amputation at right hip joint, initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae which are coded as S78.021A, S78.021D, and S78.011S.

Right hip pain M25.551 could result from fracture injury to the head of the femur making up the hip joint. It could be an open fracture or a closed fracture:

Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture S72.001A.

Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II S72.001B.

Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB or IIIC S72.001C.

Right hip pain could result from injuries to the nerve supplying the hip or poor blood supply. 

right hip pain icd 10 code
ICD 10 code for right hip pain M25.

Right Hip Pain ICD 11

Right hip pain ICD 11 does not have a specific code that describes right hip pain in the ICD 11 manual.

However, it can be coded as ME82 located in chapter 21 symptoms, signs or clinical findings, not elsewhere classified, under block symptoms and signs or clinical findings of the musculoskeletal system (Block L1-ME8), symptoms or signs of the musculoskeletal system (BlockL2-ME8).

– Dr. Quazim Omisore,
Medical Professional & Coding Expert

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