How To Use HCPCS Code G9622

HCPCS code G9622 describes a specific scenario in which a patient is not identified as an unhealthy alcohol user when screened for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method. This code is used to indicate that the patient does not meet the criteria for being classified as an unhealthy alcohol user. 1. What is…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9621

HCPCS code G9621 describes the identification of a patient as an unhealthy alcohol user when screened for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method, and the provision of brief counseling. This code is used to indicate that a patient has been identified as having an unhealthy alcohol use and has received counseling to address…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9620

HCPCS code G9620 describes the situation where a patient has not been screened for uterine malignancy or has not undergone any ultrasound or endometrial sampling, and the reason for not doing so is not given. This code is used to indicate that the necessary procedures for detecting uterine malignancy have not been performed, and the…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9619

HCPCS code G9619 describes the documentation of reason(s) for not screening for uterine malignancy, specifically in cases where the patient has undergone a prior hysterectomy. This code is used to indicate that the healthcare provider has documented the rationale behind the decision to not perform a screening for uterine malignancy in such cases. 1. What…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9618

HCPCS code G9618 describes the documentation of screening for uterine malignancy or those that had an ultrasound and/or endometrial sampling of any kind. This code is used to identify and bill for the specific service provided by healthcare providers. In this article, we will delve into the details of HCPCS code G9618, including its official…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9617

HCPCS code G9617 describes a preoperative assessment that has not been documented, with no reason given for the lack of documentation. This code is used to indicate that the healthcare provider did not record the necessary information related to the preoperative assessment, and there is no explanation provided for this omission. 1. What is HCPCS…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9616

HCPCS code G9616 describes the documentation of reason(s) for not documenting a preoperative assessment in cases where a gynecologic or other pelvic malignancy is noted at the time of surgery. This code is used to indicate that the healthcare provider did not perform a preoperative assessment due to the presence of a pelvic malignancy. 1….

How To Use HCPCS Code G9615

HCPCS code G9615 describes a preoperative assessment that has been documented. This code is used to indicate that a healthcare provider has conducted a thorough evaluation of a patient’s medical condition prior to a surgical procedure. In this article, we will explore the details of HCPCS code G9615, including its official description, procedure, when to…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9614

HCPCS code G9614 describes the photodocumentation of less than two cecal landmarks to establish a complete examination. This code is used in medical coding to identify the specific procedure performed by healthcare providers. In this article, we will explore the details of HCPCS code G9614, including its official description, procedure, when to use it, billing…

How To Use HCPCS Code G9613

HCPCS code G9613 describes the documentation of post-surgical anatomy. This code is used to indicate that the healthcare provider has documented the specific anatomical changes that have occurred as a result of a surgical procedure. It is important for medical coders to understand the meaning and usage of this code in order to accurately report…