List With HCPCS Codes For Wrist Disarticulation, Hand Prosthetics

The HCPCS codes for Wrist Disarticulation, Hand Prosthetics range from L6050 to L6055. These codes describe different types of prosthetic devices for individuals who have undergone wrist disarticulation.

1. HCPCS Code L6050

HCPCS L6050 describes a prosthetic device for wrist disarticulation that includes a molded socket, flexible elbow hinges, and a triceps pad.

2. HCPCS Code L6051

HCPCS L6051 describes a prosthetic device for wrist disarticulation that includes a molded socket, flexible elbow hinges, a triceps pad, and a wrist flexion/extension unit.

3. HCPCS Code L6052

HCPCS L6052 describes a prosthetic device for wrist disarticulation that includes a molded socket, flexible elbow hinges, a triceps pad, a wrist flexion/extension unit, and a wrist rotation unit.

4. HCPCS Code L6053

HCPCS L6053 describes a prosthetic device for wrist disarticulation that includes a molded socket, flexible elbow hinges, a triceps pad, a wrist flexion/extension unit, a wrist rotation unit, and a terminal device.

5. HCPCS Code L6054

HCPCS L6054 describes a prosthetic device for wrist disarticulation that includes a molded socket, flexible elbow hinges, a triceps pad, a wrist flexion/extension unit, a wrist rotation unit, a terminal device, and a myoelectric control system.

6. HCPCS Code L6055

HCPCS L6055 describes a prosthetic device for wrist disarticulation that includes a molded socket with an expandable interface, flexible elbow hinges, and a triceps pad.

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