How To Use CPT Code 00562

cpt 00562 describes the anesthesia services provided for procedures on the heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of the chest. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, and examples of cpt 00562.

1. What is cpt 00562?

cpt 00562 is a code used to describe the anesthesia services provided for procedures on the heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of the chest. This code specifically applies to patients who are one year old or older and require the use of a pump oxygenator during the procedure. The procedures covered by this code include non-coronary bypass procedures, such as valve procedures, or re-operations for coronary bypass more than one month after the original operation.

2. Official Description

The official description of cpt 00562 is: ‘Anesthesia for procedures on heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of chest; with pump oxygenator, age 1 year or older, for all noncoronary bypass procedures (eg, valve procedures) or for re-operation for coronary bypass more than 1 month after original operation.’

3. Procedure

The anesthesia provider performs a pre-operative evaluation of the patient before the procedure. During the procedure, the anesthesia provider induces the patient and monitors them throughout the surgery. The procedure involves interventions on the heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of the chest, such as the aorta and major pulmonary vessels. The patient must be one year old or older and require the use of a pump oxygenator to assist with the work of the heart and lungs. The anesthesia provider documents the medications administered, monitoring used, patient responses, and the start and stop times of anesthesia care. After the procedure, the anesthesia provider oversees the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care.

4. Qualifying circumstances

To qualify for cpt 00562, the patient must be undergoing a procedure on the heart, pericardial sac, or great vessels of the chest. The procedure should not be a coronary bypass procedure, but rather a non-coronary bypass procedure such as valve procedures. Additionally, the patient must be one year old or older and require the use of a pump oxygenator during the procedure. It is important to note that this code is specifically for re-operations for coronary bypass more than one month after the original operation.

5. When to use cpt code 00562

cpt 00562 should be used when providing anesthesia services for procedures on the heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of the chest. This code is applicable for patients who are one year old or older and require the use of a pump oxygenator during the procedure. It is important to ensure that the procedure is a non-coronary bypass procedure or a re-operation for coronary bypass more than one month after the original operation.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for cpt 00562, the anesthesia provider must document the following information:

  • Patient’s pre-operative evaluation
  • Specific procedure performed on the heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of the chest
  • Use of a pump oxygenator during the procedure
  • Start and stop times of anesthesia care
  • Medications administered during the procedure
  • Monitoring used during the procedure
  • Patient responses and any complications
  • Transfer of the patient to post-anesthesia care

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for cpt 00562, ensure that the procedure performed is on the heart, pericardial sac, and great vessels of the chest. The patient must be one year old or older and require the use of a pump oxygenator during the procedure. It is important to follow the specific guidelines provided by the payer regarding the use of modifiers and any additional documentation requirements. It is also important to note that cpt 00562 is listed as an inpatient only (IPO) code for Medicare.

8. Historical information

cpt 00562 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been several updates to the code since its addition, with the most recent change occurring on January 1, 2016.

9. Examples

  1. An anesthesia provider administering anesthesia services for a valve procedure on a patient’s heart, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.
  2. An anesthesia provider providing anesthesia services for a re-operation for coronary bypass more than one month after the original operation, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.
  3. An anesthesia provider administering anesthesia services for a procedure on the pericardial sac, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.
  4. An anesthesia provider providing anesthesia services for a procedure on the great vessels of the chest, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.
  5. An anesthesia provider administering anesthesia services for a non-coronary bypass procedure on the heart, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.
  6. An anesthesia provider providing anesthesia services for a re-operation for coronary bypass more than one month after the original operation, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.
  7. An anesthesia provider administering anesthesia services for a valve procedure on the heart, using a pump oxygenator, and the patient is one year old or older.

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