How To Use CPT Code 00906

cpt 00906 describes the anesthesia services provided for a patient undergoing vulvectomy, which is the excision of the external genitals of a female. This article will cover the description, official description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, and examples of cpt 00906.

1. What is cpt 00906?

cpt 00906 is used to describe the anesthesia services provided for a patient undergoing vulvectomy. This procedure involves the removal of the external genitals of a female. The anesthesia provider performs a preoperative evaluation of the patient, induces anesthesia, and monitors the patient during the vulvectomy procedure performed by another provider. The anesthesia provider also oversees the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care.

2. Official Description

The official description of cpt 00906 is: ‘Anesthesia for vulvectomy.’

3. Procedure

The anesthesia provider begins by performing a preoperative evaluation of the patient. This evaluation helps determine the appropriate anesthesia plan for the vulvectomy procedure. During the procedure, the anesthesia provider induces anesthesia and closely monitors the patient’s vital signs and anesthesia levels. They administer any necessary medications and fluids and ensure the patient’s comfort and safety throughout the surgery. After the procedure, the anesthesia provider oversees the patient’s transfer to the post-anesthesia care unit.

4. Qualifying circumstances

cpt 00906 is used for patients undergoing vulvectomy, which involves the removal of the external genitals of a female. The anesthesia services are provided by a qualified anesthesia provider, such as an anesthesiologist or a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). The anesthesia provider must perform a preoperative evaluation, induce anesthesia, monitor the patient during the procedure, and oversee the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care.

5. When to use cpt code 00906

cpt 00906 should be used when providing anesthesia services for a patient undergoing vulvectomy. It is important to ensure that the anesthesia provider performs a preoperative evaluation, induces anesthesia, monitors the patient during the procedure, and oversees the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care. This code should be used specifically for vulvectomy procedures and not for other types of surgeries.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for cpt 00906, the anesthesia provider must document the following information:

  • Preoperative evaluation of the patient
  • Details of the anesthesia plan
  • Start and stop times of anesthesia care
  • Types and amounts of medications administered
  • Monitoring methods used during the procedure
  • Patient responses and any complications
  • Transfer of the patient to post-anesthesia care

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for cpt 00906, ensure that the anesthesia services are provided by a qualified anesthesia provider, such as an anesthesiologist or a CRNA. The anesthesia provider must perform a preoperative evaluation, induce anesthesia, monitor the patient during the procedure, and oversee the patient’s transfer to post-anesthesia care. It is important to follow the specific billing guidelines of the payer, including any required modifiers or additional documentation.

8. Historical information

cpt 00906 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been no updates or changes to the code since its addition.

9. Similar codes to cpt 00906

There are no similar codes provided for cpt 00906. This code specifically represents anesthesia services for vulvectomy procedures.

9. Examples

Examples of cases in which cpt 00906 should be billed include:

  1. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the treatment of vulvar cancer.
  2. A patient undergoing vulvectomy as part of gender-affirming surgery.
  3. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the removal of a large, benign tumor.
  4. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the treatment of a chronic infection.
  5. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the management of severe vulvar pain.
  6. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the removal of precancerous lesions.
  7. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the treatment of vulvar dysplasia.
  8. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the removal of a recurrent vulvar abscess.
  9. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus.
  10. A patient undergoing vulvectomy for the removal of a vulvar cyst.

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