How To Use CPT Code 15878

CPT code 15878 describes the suction-assisted lipectomy (liposuction) procedure performed on the upper extremity to remove fat deposits, primarily from the underarm area. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 15878?

CPT 15878 is used to describe the suction-assisted lipectomy procedure performed on the upper extremity, specifically targeting the removal of fat deposits in the underarm area. This procedure involves making an incision, inserting a liposuction cannula, and creating tunnels to suction out deep subcutaneous fatty tissues. The excess fat is removed using a vacuum technique, and the small incision(s) are closed with a single suture.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 15878 is: ‘Suction-assisted lipectomy (liposuction), upper extremity.’

3. Procedure

The suction-assisted lipectomy procedure for the upper extremity involves the following steps:

  1. The physician makes an incision in the targeted area of the upper extremity.
  2. A liposuction cannula, which is a tube used to suction out fluids and fat, is inserted into the incision from different directions.
  3. The physician creates several tunnels to access and suction out deep subcutaneous fatty tissues.
  4. A vacuum technique is used to remove excess fat from the targeted area.
  5. Once the fat removal is complete, the small incision(s) are closed with a single suture.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 15878 is typically performed on patients who have excess fat deposits in the upper extremity, specifically in the underarm area. This procedure is suitable for individuals who desire fat reduction in this specific region. It is important to note that the procedure should only be performed by a qualified physician who has the necessary training and expertise in performing suction-assisted lipectomy.

5. When to use CPT code 15878

CPT code 15878 should be used when a physician performs suction-assisted lipectomy on the upper extremity, specifically targeting the underarm area. This code is appropriate for cases where the primary goal is the removal of fat deposits in this specific region. It is important to ensure that the procedure performed aligns with the description provided by CPT code 15878.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT code 15878, the physician must document the following information:

  • Patient’s diagnosis or indication for the procedure
  • Details of the procedure performed, including the specific area targeted and the technique used
  • Date of the procedure
  • Start and end time of the procedure
  • Any additional procedures or services performed in conjunction with CPT code 15878
  • Any complications or unexpected findings during the procedure
  • Signature of the performing physician

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT code 15878, it is important to ensure that the procedure performed aligns with the description provided by the code. The physician should be qualified and experienced in performing suction-assisted lipectomy. It is also essential to follow any specific billing guidelines provided by the payer or insurance company.

8. Historical information

CPT code 15878 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been no updates or changes to the code since its addition.

9. Similar codes to CPT 15878

There are several similar codes to CPT code 15878 that describe liposuction procedures on different areas of the body. These include:

9. Examples

  1. A physician performing suction-assisted lipectomy on a patient’s underarm area to remove excess fat deposits.
  2. A plastic surgeon using liposuction to target and remove fat from the upper extremity of a patient.
  3. A patient undergoing suction-assisted lipectomy on their underarm area to achieve a more sculpted appearance.
  4. A physician performing liposuction on the upper extremity to address asymmetry caused by excess fat deposits.
  5. A patient seeking fat reduction in the underarm area undergoing suction-assisted lipectomy.
  6. A plastic surgeon using liposuction to contour and reshape the upper extremity of a patient.
  7. A physician performing suction-assisted lipectomy on the underarm area to improve the patient’s overall body proportions.
  8. A patient undergoing liposuction on the upper extremity to achieve a more toned and defined appearance.
  9. A plastic surgeon using suction-assisted lipectomy to remove excess fat from the underarm area and improve the patient’s body contour.
  10. A physician performing liposuction on the upper extremity to address localized fat deposits and enhance the patient’s appearance.

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