How To Use CPT Code 46910

CPT 46910 describes the destruction of anal lesions using electrodessication. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 46910?

CPT 46910 can be used to describe the destruction of anal lesions, such as condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, or herpetic vesicle, using electrodessication. This procedure involves the use of heat from an electric current to cauterize and burn the lesions, resulting in their destruction.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 46910 is: ‘Destruction of lesion(s), anus (eg, condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, herpetic vesicle), simple; electrodesiccation.’

3. Procedure

  1. The healthcare provider identifies the anal lesions, such as condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, or herpetic vesicle, on the perianal skin.
  2. Using an electrode tip, the provider applies an electrical spark to the lesions without actual contact with the skin.
  3. The electrical spark cauterizes and destroys the lesions through electrodessication.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 46910 is used when there is a need to destroy anal lesions, such as condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, or herpetic vesicle, using electrodessication. The procedure is typically performed by a healthcare provider who identifies the lesions on the perianal skin and applies an electrical spark to cauterize and destroy them.

5. When to use CPT code 46910

CPT code 46910 should be used when a healthcare provider performs the destruction of anal lesions using electrodessication. It is important to ensure that the procedure specifically involves the use of electrodessication and not other methods, such as chemical destruction, cryosurgery, laser, or surgical excision.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 46910, the healthcare provider must document the following information:

  • Identification of the anal lesions, such as condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, or herpetic vesicle
  • Description of the electrodessication procedure
  • Date of the procedure
  • Signature of the healthcare provider performing the procedure

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 46910, ensure that the procedure involves the destruction of anal lesions using electrodessication. It is important to use the appropriate CPT code based on the specific method used for lesion destruction. For example, if the provider uses chemicals, cryosurgery, laser, or surgical excision, different CPT codes should be used.

8. Historical information

CPT 46910 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been no updates to the code since its addition.

9. Examples

  1. A healthcare provider using electrodessication to destroy a condyloma on the anus of a patient.
  2. A provider performing the destruction of a papilloma using electrodessication on the perianal skin.
  3. A healthcare professional using electrodessication to destroy molluscum contagiosum lesions on the anus of a patient.
  4. A provider performing the destruction of a herpetic vesicle using electrodessication on the perianal area.
  5. A healthcare professional using electrodessication to destroy multiple anal lesions, including condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, or herpetic vesicle.
  6. A provider performing the destruction of anal lesions using electrodessication on a patient with a history of recurrent condyloma.
  7. A healthcare professional using electrodessication to destroy anal lesions on a patient with a diagnosis of papilloma.
  8. A provider performing the destruction of molluscum contagiosum lesions using electrodessication on the perianal skin of a pediatric patient.
  9. A healthcare professional using electrodessication to destroy a herpetic vesicle on the anus of a patient with a history of herpes infection.
  10. A provider performing the destruction of anal lesions using electrodessication on a patient with multiple lesions, including condyloma, papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, or herpetic vesicle.

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