How To Use CPT Code 52010

CPT 52010 describes a specific procedure involving cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization. This article will cover the official description, procedure details, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 52010?

CPT 52010 is a code used to describe a procedure that involves cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization. This procedure is performed by a healthcare provider who inserts a well-lubricated flexible or rigid cystourethroscope through the external opening of the urethra and advances it into the bladder. The provider then inserts a catheter into the ejaculatory duct, with or without irrigation, instillation, or duct radiography.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 52010 is: ‘Cystourethroscopy, with ejaculatory duct catheterization, with or without irrigation, instillation, or duct radiography, exclusive of radiologic service. (For radiological supervision and interpretation, use 74440)’

3. Procedure

  1. The healthcare provider prepares the patient and introduces a well-lubricated cystourethroscope through the external opening of the urethra.
  2. The provider advances the cystourethroscope into the bladder and performs an examination of the urethra and bladder.
  3. If necessary, the provider may use a syringe to evacuate residual urine in the urethra for better visualization.
  4. The provider may choose to irrigate the area with saline water or instill saline water drops to improve examination of the urinary system.
  5. The provider then inserts a catheter into the ejaculatory duct and may perform a radiological study if contrast is injected.
  6. Once the procedure is complete, the provider withdraws the cystourethroscope.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 52010 is performed on patients who require cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization. This procedure may be necessary for conditions related to the urinary system or reproductive system. The provider must use a cystourethroscope and insert a catheter into the ejaculatory duct. The procedure may or may not involve irrigation, instillation, or duct radiography.

5. When to use CPT code 52010

CPT code 52010 should be used when a healthcare provider performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization. This code is appropriate when the procedure is performed with or without irrigation, instillation, or duct radiography. It is important to note that radiological supervision and interpretation should be reported separately using code 74440.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 52010, the healthcare provider must document the following information:

  • Patient’s diagnosis or reason for the procedure
  • Details of the cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization procedure
  • Whether irrigation, instillation, or duct radiography was performed
  • Date and duration of the procedure
  • Any complications or additional findings
  • Signature of the healthcare provider performing the procedure

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 52010, ensure that the procedure meets the specific requirements outlined in the official description. It is important to report radiological supervision and interpretation separately using code 74440 if applicable. Review the documentation requirements and ensure that all necessary information is included in the claim.

8. Historical information

CPT 52010 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been no updates to the code since its addition.

9. Examples

  1. A urologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization on a patient with suspected ejaculatory duct obstruction.
  2. A reproductive endocrinologist uses cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization to investigate infertility in a male patient.
  3. A urologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization on a patient with recurrent urinary tract infections.
  4. A radiologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization with duct radiography to evaluate the anatomy of the ejaculatory ducts.
  5. A urologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization on a patient with chronic pelvic pain.
  6. A reproductive urologist uses cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization to collect semen samples for fertility testing.
  7. A urologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization on a patient with suspected ejaculatory duct stones.
  8. A urologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization on a patient with ejaculatory dysfunction.
  9. A reproductive endocrinologist uses cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization to investigate azoospermia in a male patient.
  10. A urologist performs cystourethroscopy and ejaculatory duct catheterization on a patient with hematospermia.

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