How To Use CPT Code 61550

CPT 61550 describes the procedure of craniectomy for craniosynostosis, specifically for a single cranial suture. This article will cover the description, official description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 61550?

CPT 61550 is used to describe a specific procedure called craniectomy for craniosynostosis, focusing on the treatment of a single cranial suture. This code is utilized when a provider makes an incision into the skull bone over the affected cranial suture, which is a fibrous tissue connecting the skull bones. The goal of this procedure is to treat craniosynostosis, a congenital condition that causes premature fusion of cranial sutures in young children. The provider removes a piece of bone and reshapes the skull into an anatomically appropriate position, allowing for normal growth. Finally, the scalp layers are sutured together, and the wound is covered with a sterile dressing.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 61550 is: ‘Craniectomy for craniosynostosis; single cranial suture.’

3. Procedure

  1. When the patient is appropriately prepped and anesthetized, the provider makes an incision into the skull bone over the affected cranial suture, a fibrous tissue located where the skull bones join.
  2. The goal of the procedure is to treat craniosynostosis, a congenital condition causing premature fusion of a cranial suture in a young child.
  3. The provider removes a piece of bone and reshapes the skull into an anatomically appropriate position, allowing the skull to grow normally.
  4. Finally, he sutures the scalp layers together and covers the wound with a sterile dressing.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 61550 is performed when a patient has craniosynostosis, a congenital condition characterized by the premature fusion of cranial sutures in young children. This procedure is specifically for the treatment of a single cranial suture. It is important to note that this code is not applicable for multiple cranial sutures, which would require a different code.

5. When to use CPT code 61550

CPT code 61550 should be used when a provider performs a craniectomy for the treatment of craniosynostosis, focusing on a single cranial suture. It is important to ensure that the procedure is specifically addressing the fusion of a single cranial suture and not multiple sutures. If multiple cranial sutures are involved, a different code should be used.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT code 61550, the provider must document the following information:

  • Patient’s diagnosis of craniosynostosis and the need for craniectomy
  • Specific cranial suture targeted for the procedure
  • Date of the procedure
  • Details of the procedure, including the incision, removal of bone, reshaping of the skull, and suturing of the scalp layers
  • Any additional relevant information or complications
  • Provider’s signature

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT code 61550, ensure that the procedure performed is a craniectomy for craniosynostosis, specifically targeting a single cranial suture. It is important to accurately document the details of the procedure and provide the necessary supporting documentation. Additionally, it is crucial to follow any specific billing guidelines provided by the payer or coding guidelines.

8. Historical information

CPT code 61550 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. The code has not undergone any updates since its addition. However, it is important to stay updated with any changes or revisions to the code in future editions of the CPT manual.

9. Examples

  1. A provider performs a craniectomy for the treatment of craniosynostosis in a young child, focusing on the fusion of the sagittal suture.
  2. A patient with craniosynostosis undergoes a craniectomy procedure to address the premature fusion of the metopic suture.
  3. A provider performs a craniectomy for craniosynostosis, specifically targeting the fusion of the coronal suture in a young patient.
  4. A child with craniosynostosis undergoes a craniectomy procedure to treat the premature fusion of the lambdoid suture.
  5. A provider performs a craniectomy for the treatment of craniosynostosis, focusing on the fusion of the squamosal suture in a young patient.
  6. Provide four more examples of cases in which CPT code 61550 should be billed. Only explain the examples and make them all original. Do not include ‘CPT 61550” or ‘CPT code 61550” in the text of an example.

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