How To Use CPT Code 86079

CPT 86079 describes the authorization for deviation from standard blood banking procedures by a blood bank physician, along with a written report. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, similar codes and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 86079?

CPT 86079 can be used to describe the authorization provided by a blood bank physician for deviation from standard blood banking procedures in a specific case. This code is used when the physician determines that a deviation from the standard procedure is necessary to help a patient. The physician also provides a written report as part of this service.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 86079 is: ‘Blood bank physician services; authorization for deviation from standard blood banking procedures (eg, use of outdated blood, transfusion of Rh incompatible units), with written report.’

3. Procedure

  1. The blood bank physician assesses the patient’s condition and determines the need for deviation from standard blood banking procedures.
  2. If a deviation is deemed necessary, the physician provides written authorization for the specific deviation.
  3. The physician also prepares a written report detailing the authorization and the reasons for the deviation.

4. Qualifying circumstances

Qualifying circumstances for CPT 86079 include situations where a deviation from standard blood banking procedures is necessary to help a patient. This can include the use of outdated blood or the transfusion of Rh incompatible units. The blood bank physician must provide written authorization for the deviation and prepare a report explaining the reasons for the deviation.

5. When to use CPT code 86079

CPT code 86079 should be used when a blood bank physician provides authorization for deviation from standard blood banking procedures in a specific case. This code should be used when the physician determines that a deviation is necessary to help a patient and provides written authorization along with a report.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 86079, the blood bank physician must document the following information:

  • Specific deviation from standard blood banking procedures
  • Reasons for the deviation
  • Date of the authorization
  • Preparation of a written report detailing the authorization and the reasons for the deviation

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 86079, ensure that the service is provided by a blood bank physician and includes written authorization for deviation from standard blood banking procedures. There are no specific guidelines regarding reporting CPT 86079 with other codes. However, for physician services related to cross match and transfusion reactions, different codes should be used.

8. Historical information

CPT 86079 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 1990. There have been no updates to the code since its addition.

9. Examples

  1. A blood bank physician providing written authorization for the use of outdated blood in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  2. A blood bank physician authorizing the transfusion of Rh incompatible units in a life-threatening situation where no other compatible blood is available.
  3. A blood bank physician providing written authorization for the use of blood that is beyond the standard storage period in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  4. A blood bank physician authorizing the transfusion of blood with irregular antibodies in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  5. A blood bank physician providing written authorization for the use of blood that has not undergone the standard cross-matching procedure in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  6. A blood bank physician authorizing the transfusion of blood that has not undergone the standard cross-matching procedure in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  7. A blood bank physician providing written authorization for the use of blood that has not undergone the standard testing for transmissible diseases in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  8. A blood bank physician authorizing the transfusion of blood that has not undergone the standard testing for transmissible diseases in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  9. A blood bank physician providing written authorization for the use of blood that has exceeded the standard storage temperature in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.
  10. A blood bank physician authorizing the transfusion of blood that has exceeded the standard storage temperature in a specific case where no other compatible blood is available.

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