How To Use CPT Code 93463

CPT 93463 describes the administration of a pharmacologic agent and the monitoring of hemodynamic measurements before, during, and after the administration. This article will cover the description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information, similar codes and billing examples.

1. What is CPT Code 93463?

CPT 93463 can be used to describe the administration of a pharmacologic agent, such as inhaled nitric oxide or intravenous infusion of nitroprusside, dobutamine, milrinone, or other inotropic agents. This code also includes the assessment of hemodynamic measurements before, during, and after the administration of the pharmacologic agent.

2. Official Description

The official description of CPT code 93463 is: ‘Pharmacologic agent administration (eg, inhaled nitric oxide, intravenous infusion of nitroprusside, dobutamine, milrinone, or other agent) including assessing hemodynamic measurements before, during, after and repeat pharmacologic agent administration, when performed (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure).’ This code should be reported in addition to a primary procedure code.

3. Procedure

  1. The healthcare provider administers a pharmacologic agent, either through inhalation or intravenous infusion.
  2. Before the administration, the provider assesses hemodynamic measurements, such as systemic, arterial, and venous blood pressure, blood flow, cardiac output, and oxygen levels.
  3. The provider continues to monitor these hemodynamic measurements during and after the administration of the pharmacologic agent.
  4. If necessary, the provider may administer additional hemodynamic agents and repeat the assessment and monitoring steps.

4. Qualifying circumstances

CPT 93463 is used when a pharmacologic agent is administered and hemodynamic measurements are assessed before, during, and after the administration. This code is typically used in conjunction with cardiac catheterization procedures and is performed to assess a patient’s congestive heart failure status. It should not be reported for pharmacologic agent administration in conjunction with coronary interventional procedures.

5. When to use CPT code 93463

CPT code 93463 should be used when a pharmacologic agent is administered, and hemodynamic measurements are assessed before, during, and after the administration. It is important to note that this code should only be reported once per catheterization procedure and should not be used in conjunction with interventional heart catheterization procedures.

6. Documentation requirements

To support a claim for CPT 93463, the healthcare provider must document the following information:

  • The specific pharmacologic agent administered
  • Hemodynamic measurements assessed before, during, and after the administration
  • Date and time of the administration
  • Any additional hemodynamic agents administered
  • Signature of the healthcare provider performing the procedure

7. Billing guidelines

When billing for CPT 93463, ensure that the administration of the pharmacologic agent and the assessment of hemodynamic measurements are performed. This code should be reported in addition to a primary procedure code. It should not be reported with interventional heart catheterization procedures. Review the code descriptor for acceptable primary codes. Remember that CPT 93463 is an add-on code and should only be reported once per heart catheterization procedure.

8. Historical information

CPT 93463 was added to the Current Procedural Terminology system on January 1, 2011. There have been no updates to the code since its addition.

9. Examples

  1. A patient undergoes cardiac catheterization, and the healthcare provider administers inhaled nitric oxide to assess their congestive heart failure status. Hemodynamic measurements are assessed before, during, and after the administration.
  2. During a cardiac catheterization procedure, the provider administers an intravenous infusion of milrinone to a patient. Hemodynamic measurements are assessed throughout the procedure.
  3. A patient receives an intravenous infusion of dobutamine during a cardiac catheterization procedure. The provider monitors hemodynamic measurements before, during, and after the administration.
  4. As part of a cardiac catheterization procedure, the healthcare provider administers an intravenous infusion of nitroprusside to a patient. Hemodynamic measurements are assessed at various intervals.
  5. During a cardiac catheterization procedure, the provider administers an inhaled pharmacologic agent to a patient. Hemodynamic measurements are assessed before, during, and after the administration.

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