CPT Codes For Diagnostic Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging) Procedures Of The Abdomen

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for the abdomen’s diagnostic radiology (diagnostic imaging) procedures.

CPT Code 74018

CPT 74018 describes a radiologic examination of the abdomen with one view.

CPT Code 74019

CPT 74019 describes a radiologic examination of the abdomen with two views.

CPT Code 74021

CPT 74021 describes a radiologic abdomen examination with three or more views.

CPT Code 74022

CPT 74022 describes a radiologic examination of the abdomen and chest, including two or more abdomen views (e.g. supine, erect, decubitus).

CPT Code 74150

CPT 74150 describes Computed Tomography of the Abdomen without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 74160

CPT 74160 describes Computed Tomography of the Abdomen with Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 74170

CPT 74170 describes a computed tomography of the abdomen without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and further sections.

CPT Code 74174

CPT 74174 describes computed tomographic angiography of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast material(s), including non-contrast images if performed and image postprocessing.

CPT Code 74175

CPT 74175 describes Computed Tomographic Angiography of the abdomen with contrast material(s), including non-contrast images if performed and image postprocessing.

CPT Code 74176

CPT 74176 describes Computed Tomography of the Abdomen and Pelvis without Contrast Material.

CPT Code 74177

CPT 74177 describes Computed Tomography of the Abdomen and Pelvis with Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 74178

CPT 74178 describes a computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis, with or without contrast material, followed by additional imaging with contrast material in one or both body regions.

CPT Code 74181

CPT 74181 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the abdomen without contrast material(s).

CPT Code 74182

CPT 74182 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Abdomen with Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 74183

CPT 74183 describes Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the abdomen without contrast material(s) followed by contrast material(s) and other sequences.

CPT Code 74185

CPT 74185 describes Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Abdomen with or without Contrast Material(s).

CPT Code 74190

CPT 74190 describes radiological supervision and interpretation of a peritoneogram after injection of air or contrast.

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