CPT Codes For Excision Procedures For Maternity Care And Delivery

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for maternity care and delivery excision procedures.

CPT Code 59100

CPT 59100 describes a hysterotomy, an abdominal procedure for a hydatidiform mole or abortion.

CPT Code 59120

CPT 59120 describes the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy requiring salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy, with either an abdominal or vaginal approach.

CPT Code 59121

CPT 59121 describes the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy without salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy involving the tubal or ovarian region.

CPT Code 59130

CPT 59130 describes the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy, including abdominal pregnancy.

CPT Code 59136

CPT 59136 describes the surgical treatment of an ectopic pregnancy involving a partial resection of the uterus.

CPT Code 59140

CPT 59140 describes the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy by evacuating the cervical area.

CPT Code 59150

CPT 59150 describes the laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy without salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy.

CPT Code 59151

CPT 59151 describes the laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy, including salpingectomy and/or oophorectomy.

CPT Code 59160

CPT 59160 describes the curettage of the uterus following a postpartum delivery.

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