CPT Codes For Excision Procedures On The Cervix Uteri

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for excision procedures on the cervix uteri.

CPT Code 57500

CPT 57500 describes a biopsy of the cervix, either single or multiple, or local excision of a lesion, with or without fulguration, as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 57505

CPT 57505 describes endocervical curettage when it is not done as part of a dilation and curettage.

CPT Code 57510

CPT 57510 describes the cauterization of the cervix using either electro or thermal methods.

CPT Code 57511

CPT 57511 describes cryocautery of the cervix, either initial or repeat.

CPT Code 57513

CPT 57513 describes laser ablation of the cervix with cauterization.

CPT Code 57520

CPT 57520 describes conization of the cervix with or without fulguration, dilation and curettage, and repair using either a cold knife or laser.

CPT Code 57522

CPT 57522 describes conization of the cervix with or without fulguration, dilation and curettage, repair, and loop electrode excision.

CPT Code 57530

CPT 57530 describes trachelectomy (cervicectomy) as a separate procedure from the amputation of the cervix.

CPT Code 57531

CPT 57531 describes a radical trachelectomy with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling biopsy, with the option of removal of tube(s) and/or ovary(s).

CPT Code 57540

CPT 57540 describes the excision of a cervical stump through an abdominal approach.

CPT Code 57545

CPT 57545 describes the excision of the cervical stump with an abdominal approach and pelvic floor repair.

CPT Code 57550

CPT 57550 describes the excision of the cervical stump via a vaginal approach.

CPT Code 57555

CPT 57555 describes the excision of a cervical stump via a vaginal approach, with anterior and/or posterior repair.

CPT Code 57556

CPT 57556 describes the excision of the cervical stump via a vaginal approach, with an enterocele repair.

CPT Code 57558

CPT 57558 describes dilation and curettage of the cervical stump.

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