CPT Codes For Hernia Open Procedures

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for open hernia procedures.

CPT Code 49491

CPT 49491 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in a preterm infant (younger than 37 weeks gestation at birth) performed from birth up to 50 weeks postconception age, with or without hydrocelectomy, if the hernia is reducible.

CPT Code 49492

CPT 49492 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in a preterm infant (younger than 37 weeks gestation at birth) performed from birth up to 50 weeks postconception age, with or without hydrocelectomy, for incarcerated or strangulated hernias.

CPT Code 49495

CPT 49495 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in a full-term infant younger than six months or a preterm infant older than 50 weeks postconception age and younger than six months at the time of surgery, with or without hydrocelectomy that is reducible.

CPT Code 49496

CPT 49496 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in a full-term infant younger than six months of age or a preterm infant older than 50 weeks postconception age and younger than six months at the time of surgery, with or without hydrocelectomy if the hernia is incarcerated or strangulated.

CPT Code 49500

CPT 49500 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in patients aged six months to younger than five years, with or without hydrocelectomy, that is reducible.

CPT Code 49501

CPT 49501 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in patients aged six months to younger than five years, with or without hydrocelectomy, whether incarcerated or strangulated.

CPT Code 49505

CPT 49505 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in a patient aged five years or older that is reducible.

CPT Code 49507

CPT 49507 describes the repair of an initial inguinal hernia in a patient aged five years or older who are either incarcerated or strangulated.

CPT Code 49520

CPT 49520 describes the repair of a recurrent inguinal hernia of any age that is reducible.

CPT Code 49521

CPT 49521 describes the repair of a recurrent inguinal hernia at any age, whether incarcerated or strangulated.

CPT Code 49525

CPT 49525 describes the repair of an inguinal hernia, sliding, for any age.

CPT Code 49540

CPT 49540 describes the repair of a lumbar hernia.

CPT Code 49550

CPT 49550 describes the repair of an initial femoral hernia of any age that is reducible.

CPT Code 49553

CPT 49553 describes the repair of an initial femoral hernia in any age patient, whether incarcerated or strangulated.

CPT Code 49555

CPT 49555 describes the repair of a recurrent femoral hernia that is reducible.

CPT Code 49557

CPT 49557 describes the repair of a recurrent femoral hernia that is either incarcerated or strangulated.

CPT Code 49600

CPT 49600 describes the repair of a small omphalocele with primary closure.

CPT Code 49605

CPT 49605 describes the repair of a large omphalocele or gastroschisis, with or without a prosthesis.

CPT Code 49606

CPT 49606 describes the repair of a large omphalocele or gastroschisis, including removing a prosthesis, final reduction, and closure in an operating room.

CPT Code 49610

CPT 49610 describes the repair of an omphalocele (Gross type operation) in the first stage.

CPT Code 49611

CPT 49611 describes the repair of omphalocele (Gross type operation) in a second stage.

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