CPT Codes For Incision Procedures On The Pelvis And Hip Joint

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for incision procedures on the pelvis and hip joint.

CPT Code 26990

CPT 26990 describes the incision and drainage of a deep abscess or hematoma in the pelvis or hip joint area.

CPT Code 26991

CPT 26991 describes the incision and drainage of an infected bursa in the pelvis or hip joint area.

CPT Code 26992

CPT 26992 describes an incision of the bone cortex of the pelvis and/or hip joint for conditions such as osteomyelitis or bone abscess.

CPT Code 27000

CPT 27000 describes percutaneous tenotomy of the adductor of the hip as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 27001

CPT 27001 describes open tenotomy of the adductor of the hip.

CPT Code 27003

CPT 27003 describes a tenotomy of the adductor with a subcutaneous open obturator neurectomy.

CPT Code 27005

CPT 27005 describes open tenotomy of hip flexor(s) as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 27006

CPT 27006 describes open tenotomy of the abductors and/or extensors of the hip as a separate procedure.

CPT Code 27025

CPT 27025 describes a fasciotomy of the hip or thigh of any type.

CPT Code 27027

CPT 27027 describes a decompression fasciotomy of the unilateral pelvic compartments, such as the gluteus medius-minimus, gluteus maximus, iliopsoas, and/or tensor fascia lata muscle.

CPT Code 27030

CPT 27030 describes hip arthrotomy with drainage, such as for infection.

CPT Code 27033

CPT 27033 describes hip arthrotomy, including exploring or removing loose or foreign bodies.

CPT Code 27035

CPT 27035 describes the denervation of the intrapelvic or extrapelvic intra-articular branches of the hip joint’s sciatic, femoral, or obturator nerves.

CPT Code 27036

CPT 27036 describes a procedure involving a capsulectomy or capsulotomy of the hip, with or without excision of heterotopic bone, and the release of hip flexor muscles such as the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fascia latae, rectus femoris, sartorius, and iliopsoas.

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