CPT Codes For Initial And Continuing Intensive Care Services

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for initial and continuing intensive care services.

CPT Code 99477

CPT 99477 describes initial hospital care per day for the evaluation and management of the neonate, 28 days of age or younger, which requires intensive observation, frequent interventions, and other intensive care services.

CPT Code 99478

CPT 99478 describes the evaluation and management of a recovering, very low birth weight infant (present body weight less than 1500 grams) requiring subsequent intensive care per day.

CPT Code 99479

CPT 99479 describes evaluating and managing a recovering low birth-weight infant (present body weight of 1500-2500 grams) requiring subsequent intensive care per day.

CPT Code 99480

CPT 99480 describes evaluating and managing a recovering infant (present body weight of 2501-5000 grams) requiring subsequent intensive care per day.

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