CPT Codes For Neuroplasty Procedures On The Extracranial Nerves, Peripheral Nerves, And Autonomic Nervous System

Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for neuroplasty (exploration, neurolysis, or nerve decompression) procedures on the extracranial, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems.

CPT Code 64702

CPT 64702 describes the neuroplasty of one or both digital nerves of the same digit.

CPT Code 64704

CPT 64704 describes neuroplasty of a nerve of the hand or foot.

CPT Code 64708

CPT 64708 describes open neuroplasty of a major peripheral nerve in the arm or leg other than specified.

CPT Code 64712

CPT 64712 describes open neuroplasty of the major peripheral nerve of the arm or leg, specifically the sciatic nerve.

CPT Code 64713

CPT 64713 describes open neuroplasty of the arm or leg’s major peripheral nerve of the brachial plexus.

CPT Code 64714

CPT 64714 describes open neuroplasty of the major peripheral nerve of the arm or leg, specifically the lumbar plexus.

CPT Code 64716

CPT 64716 describes neuroplasty and/or transposition of a cranial nerve.

CPT Code 64718

CPT 64718 describes neuroplasty and/or transposition of the ulnar nerve at the elbow.

CPT Code 64719

CPT 64719 describes neuroplasty and/or transposition of the ulnar nerve at the wrist.

CPT Code 64721

CPT 64721 describes neuroplasty and/or transposition of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel.

CPT Code 64722

CPT 64722 describes the decompression of the unspecified nerve(s) (specify).

CPT Code 64726

CPT 64726 describes the decompression of the digital plantar nerve.

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