CPT Codes For Repair Procedures On The Urethra
Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for repair procedures on the urethra.
CPT Code 53400
CPT 53400 describes urethroplasty, the first stage of a procedure for fistula, diverticulum, or stricture (e.g., Johannsen type).
CPT Code 53405
CPT 53405 describes urethroplasty, including the formation of a urethra and urinary diversion in the second stage.
CPT Code 53410
CPT 53410 describes a urethroplasty, a one-stage reconstruction of the male anterior urethra.
CPT Code 53415
CPT 53415 describes a one-stage urethroplasty, either transpubic or perineal, for reconstructing or repairing the prostatic or membranous urethra.
CPT Code 53420
CPT 53420 describes a two-stage reconstruction or repair of the prostatic or membranous urethra, with the first stage being a urethroplasty.
CPT Code 53425
CPT 53425 describes a two-stage reconstruction or repair of the prostatic or membranous urethra, with the second stage being urethroplasty.
CPT Code 53430
CPT 53430 describes urethroplasty, the reconstruction of the female urethra.
CPT Code 53431
CPT 53431 describes urethroplasty with tubularization of the posterior urethra and/or lower bladder for incontinence, such as the Tenago and Leadbetter procedures.
CPT Code 53440
CPT 53440 describes a sling operation for correcting male urinary incontinence, such as fascia or synthetic.
CPT Code 53442
CPT 53442 describes removing or revising a sling for male urinary incontinence, such as fascia or synthetic.
CPT Code 53444
CPT 53444 describes the insertion of a tandem cuff (dual cuff).
CPT Code 53445
CPT 53445 describes the insertion of an inflatable urethral/bladder neck sphincter, including the placement of a pump, reservoir, and cuff.
CPT Code 53446
CPT 53446 describes the removal of an inflatable urethral/bladder neck sphincter, including the pump, reservoir, and cuff.
CPT Code 53447
CPT 53447 describes removing and replacing an inflatable urethral/bladder neck sphincter, including the pump, reservoir, and cuff, all in the same operative session.
CPT Code 53448
CPT 53448 describes removing and replacing an inflatable urethral/bladder neck sphincter, including a pump, reservoir, and cuff through an infected field at the same operative session, with irrigation and debridement of infected tissue.
CPT Code 53449
CPT 53449 describes the repair of an inflatable urethral/bladder neck sphincter, including a pump, reservoir, and cuff.
CPT Code 53450
CPT 53450 describes urethromeatoplasty with mucosal advancement.
CPT Code 53451
CPT 53451 describes inserting a bilateral periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device, including cystourethroscopy and imaging guidance.
CPT Code 53452
CPT 53452 describes the insertion of a periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device, including cystourethroscopy and imaging guidance, on a unilateral basis.
CPT Code 53453
CPT 53453 describes the removal of each balloon from a periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device.
CPT Code 53454
CPT 53454 describes the percutaneous balloon(s) fluid volume adjustment for a periurethral transperineal adjustable balloon continence device.
CPT Code 53460
CPT 53460 describes urethromeatoplasty with partial excision of a distal urethral segment, commonly called a Richardson-type procedure.
CPT Code 53500
CPT 53500 describes urethrolysis, transvaginal, secondary, and open, including cystourethroscopy for postsurgical obstruction or scarring.
CPT Code 53502
CPT 53502 describes a suture of a urethral wound or injury in female patients.
CPT Code 53505
CPT 53505 describes urethrorrhaphy, suture of urethral wound or injury; penile.
CPT Code 53510
CPT 53510 describes the suture of a urethral wound or injury; perineal urethrorrhaphy.
CPT Code 53515
CPT 53515 describes urethrorrhaphy, suture of urethral wound or injury, and prostatomembranous.
CPT Code 53520
CPT 53520 describes the closure of a urethrostomy or urethrocutaneous fistula in a male patient as a separate procedure.