List With HCPCS Codes For Shoe Wedges

The HCPCS codes for Shoe Wedges range from L3340 to L3420 and describe various types of wedges used in footwear to provide support and correct foot conditions.

1. HCPCS Code L3340

HCPCS L3340 refers to a heel wedge made of solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) material, which is used to provide support and stability to the heel area of the foot.

2. HCPCS Code L3350

HCPCS L3350 describes a heel wedge that is used to provide support and cushioning to the heel area of the foot.

3. HCPCS Code L3360

HCPCS L3360 refers to a sole wedge that is placed on the outside sole of the shoe to provide support and correct foot alignment.

4. HCPCS Code L3370

HCPCS L3370 describes a sole wedge that is placed between the sole of the shoe to provide support and correct foot alignment.

5. HCPCS Code L3380

HCPCS L3380 refers to a clubfoot wedge that is used to provide support and correct the alignment of the foot in cases of clubfoot deformity.

6. HCPCS Code L3390

HCPCS L3390 describes an outflare wedge that is used to provide support and correct the alignment of the foot in cases where the foot turns outward.

7. HCPCS Code L3400

HCPCS L3400 refers to a metatarsal bar wedge with a rocker design, which is used to provide support and relieve pressure on the metatarsal area of the foot.

8. HCPCS Code L3410

HCPCS L3410 describes a metatarsal bar wedge that is placed between the sole of the shoe to provide support and relieve pressure on the metatarsal area of the foot.

9. HCPCS Code L3420

HCPCS L3420 refers to a full sole and heel wedge that is placed between the sole of the shoe to provide support and correct foot alignment.

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