ICD 10 CM M00.872 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M00.872 describes a specific type of arthritis that is caused by infectious bacteria, which are not identified by any other code, and that results in an inflammatory response in the joints of the left ankle and foot, including the tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal joints, and may be caused by various bacteria, such as Escherichia coli or E. coli.

Official Description Of M00.872

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M00.872 as:

Arthritis due to other bacteria, left ankle and foot
Parent Code Notes: M00.8

Use additional code (B96) to identify bacteria

Parent Code Notes: M00

Excludes2: infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint prosthesis (T84.5-)

When To Use M00.872

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM M00.872 refers to an infectious bacterial disease that usually spreads from direct contact with infected respiratory secretions, saliva, or mucus. Contaminated food can also transmit bacteria. The disease can enter the bloodstream, a condition known as bacteremia, and cause considerable harm by attacking the tissues of the tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal joints of the left ankle and foot.

Some of the most common symptoms experienced by individuals who have been diagnosed with the condition include fever, swelling, redness, lethargy, intense pain, and loss of mobility in the affected joint. If not adequately managed or left untreated, the infection can result in permanent damage to the joint, limiting mobility and independence.

Medical providers diagnose the condition based on the patient’s history, a thorough physical examination, and several laboratory tests. These tests may include a blood culture, joint fluid analysis, and X-rays. Early detection of the disease is crucial for effective management, as it allows medical providers to administer appropriate treatment promptly.

The treatment plan for the diagnosis involves the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics to help combat and manage the infection. In addition, the drainage of pus may be needed depending on the severity of the infection. The main goal of treatment is the elimination of the bacterial infection and the prevention of future infections from arising.

It’s worth noting that the ICD-10-CM M00.872 diagnosis code is just one of many diagnosis codes used in medical billing and coding. Accurately coding and documenting the diagnosis is critical for both the medical provider and the patient receiving care. Inaccurate coding and documentation can result in coding errors, claim rejections, and potential financial loss, negatively impacting the medical provider’s bottom line.

In conclusion, the ICD-10-CM M00.872 diagnosis code is a vital tool used in medical billing and coding to document and code infectious bacterial diseases that can attack and damage the joints of the left ankle and foot. Accurate coding, documentation, and prompt treatment are essential in ensuring patients receive the appropriate care needed to manage and overcome the infection.

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