ICD 10 CM M21.75 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M21.75 describes a condition where the length of the femur, the long bone in the upper leg, is uneven due to factors such as disease, infection, or trauma, which can include growth plate injuries during sports activities, and can result in difficulty performing normal activities like walking and balancing.

Official Description Of M21.75

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M21.75 as:

Unequal limb length (acquired), femur
Parent Code Notes: M21

Excludes1: acquired absence of limb (Z89.-)
congenital absence of limbs (Q71-Q73)
congenital deformities and malformations of limbs (Q65-Q66, Q68-Q74)

Excludes2: acquired deformities of fingers or toes (M20.-)
coxa plana (M91.2)

When To Use M21.75

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM M21.75 is a condition where an individual has acquired unequal limb length of the femur, which can cause discomfort, deformity, back pain, and difficulty standing, walking, or balancing. This condition is not uncommon and affects a significant portion of the population.

The cause of the unequal limb length can vary from person to person, and the severity can also differ. Some may develop the condition due to a previous injury, while others may have a congenital or developmental abnormality. The femur is the longest bone in the body, and when it is shorter or longer, it can lead to complications and discomfort.

To diagnose this condition, healthcare providers look at the patient’s medical history and conduct a physical examination to determine the extent of the unevenness of the limbs. X-rays may also be used to confirm the diagnosis and to measure the leg length discrepancy objectively.

In most cases, minor limb length discrepancies do not require any treatment. However, if the difference is significant, the healthcare provider may recommend the use of shoe lifts. These lifts can help compensate for the length difference and make walking and standing more comfortable for the patient.

For more severe cases of the condition, surgical intervention may be required. The surgical options available include lengthening of the shorter bone or shortening of the longer bone to achieve equal length. The decision to perform surgery will depend on the individual’s age, overall health, length discrepancy, and the severity of symptoms.

Surgical intervention is not always necessary, and non-surgical interventions such as physical therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises can alleviate discomfort and improve mobility. A custom orthotic brace may also be recommended to stabilize and support the limb while in use.

It is essential to address limb length discrepancies to prevent long-term complications such as arthritis, tendonitis, lower back pain, and recurrent injuries due to compensating for the unequal limb length. It is also important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to prevent progression of the condition and to minimize the need for surgical interventions.

In conclusion, ICD 10 CM M21.75 is a diagnosis code used to describe acquired unequal limb length of the femur. While this condition can cause discomfort and mobility issues, it is treatable through non-surgical and surgical interventions. Working with a medical professional can help manage the condition and prevent long-term complications.

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