ICD 10 CM M24.172 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M24.172 describes a medical condition that affects the articular cartilage of the left ankle joints, which can be caused by various factors such as injury, disease, or other unknown reasons, resulting in the disruption of the normal function of the cartilage, a strong and flexible tissue found at the ends of bones that form an articular or joint surface, and this code is used to represent other articular cartilage disorders that are not specifically named under any other codes.

Official Description Of M24.172

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M24.172 as:

Other articular cartilage disorders, left ankle
Parent Code Notes: M24.1

Excludes2: chondrocalcinosis (M11.1, M11.2-)
internal derangement of knee (M23.-)
metastatic calcification (E83.5)
ochronosis (E70.2)

Parent Code Notes: M24

Excludes1: current injury – see injury of joint by body region

Excludes2: ganglion (M67.4)
snapping knee (M23.8-)
temporomandibular joint disorders (M26.6-)

When To Use M24.172

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM code M24.172 indicates the presence of articular cartilage disorders in the left ankle joint. Patients with this condition may experience a range of symptoms that include pain, inflammation, stiffness, and a joint that catches or locks.

To determine the presence of the condition, healthcare providers conduct a thorough medical history review and physical examination. In some cases, imaging may also be necessary to identify the severity of the cartilage damage. X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are common imaging techniques used to assist in the diagnosis.

Treatment options for patients with M24.172 diagnosis code vary and may include nonsurgical and surgical approaches. Nonsurgical treatments typically aim to alleviate symptoms and promote healing without the need for invasive procedures. Examples of nonsurgical interventions include analgesics, corticosteroids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to ease pain and inflammation. Physical therapy, braces, splints, and other supportive devices can also aid in promoting healing and preventing further damage. Rest, ice, weight loss, and nutritional supplements may be recommended as well.

Despite these options, surgery may be necessary in some cases where conservative treatment methods are insufficient. Arthroscopy is one such procedure commonly used to treat articular cartilage disorders of the ankle joint. This surgery involves the use of tiny surgical instruments to remove damaged tissue and contour the remaining cartilage to promote natural healing of the joint.

After surgery, patients may undergo rehabilitation to strengthen the muscles surrounding the ankle joint and reduce the risk of future cartilage damage. Rehabilitation typically involves physical therapy to improve range of motion, build strength and prevent scar tissue formation.

In conclusion, the ICD 10 CM M24.172 diagnosis code is indicative of articular cartilage disorders in the left ankle joint. Treatment options vary depending on the severity and symptoms of the condition. Healthcare providers aim to provide nonsurgical remedies to minimize invasive procedures but may consider surgery in some cases where conservative treatment methods are not successful. Rehabilitation is also vital to promote natural healing and to prevent future cartilage damage.

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