ICD 10 CM M71.532 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M71.532 describes a specific medical condition characterized by inflammation of the bursa, a sac filled with fluid that helps reduce friction in the joints, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as injury, infection, tumor, or degeneration of the bone, and this code specifically refers to a type of bursitis that affects the left wrist and is not otherwise specified by any other code in this category.

Official Description Of M71.532

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M71.532 as:

Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified, left wrist
Parent Code Notes: M71.5

Excludes1: bursitis NOS (M71.9-)

Excludes2: bursitis of shoulder (M75.5)
bursitis of tibial collateral [Pellegrini-Stieda] (M76.4-)

Parent Code Notes: M71

Excludes1: bunion (M20.1)
bursitis related to use, overuse or pressure (M70.-)
enthesopathies (M76-M77)

When To Use M71.532

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM M71.532 pertains to a specific health condition that affects the left wrist. Bursitis, the inflammation of the bursa, causes pain, inflammation, and swelling in the surrounding area, which can severely limit joint motion and negatively impact day-to-day living activities.

Diagnosing bursitis of the left wrist involves a comprehensive approach aimed at determining the underlying cause of the condition. Medical professionals rely on a combination of the patient’s history, a physical examination, imaging techniques such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as laboratory examinations, including inflammatory markers in the blood and tests on fluid removed from the joint.

The patient’s history-taking is essential in identifying the possible cause of bursitis. The information gathered may include the duration of the symptoms, the type of work the patient does, and any recent injuries. Additionally, the patient’s medical history, including any preexisting medical conditions and any medications or supplements they take, can provide valuable insights into the potential reasons that led to the development of bursitis.

Physical examination allows the healthcare provider to determine the extent of the inflammation and assess the range of motion in the left wrist. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of the affected area, including palpation of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. A closer look at the surrounding tendons and ligaments can also help identify any injuries or abnormalities that may contribute to the condition.

Imaging techniques such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans allow healthcare providers to visualize the affected area and rule out other possible causes of the patient’s symptoms. These imaging techniques reveal any underlying damage, including torn tendons or ligaments or the erosion of bones and cartilage. Moreover, these images help in determining the severity of the condition and guide the treatment plan.

Laboratory examination, including blood tests and the analysis of the fluid removed from the joint, helps identify any underlying infections or inflammatory conditions. The tests can also reveal the presence of crystals that indicate a gout or pseudogout condition.

The treatment for bursitis of the left wrist aims to alleviate the symptoms, reduce inflammation, and enhance the range of motion of the joint. The first line of treatment for bursitis is often administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics to relieve pain and inflammation. Physical therapy can improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. If these treatments are ineffective, healthcare providers may recommend corticosteroid injections into the joint or surgery to remove the affected bursa or any damaged tissue.

In conclusion, ICD 10 CM M71.532 signifies a painful and debilitating condition that affects the left wrist’s bursa. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can provide relief from the symptoms and prevent the development of chronic bursitis. Healthcare providers rely on a combination of imaging techniques, laboratory examinations, and comprehensive physical examination to identify the underlying cause of bursitis and develop an effective treatment plan.

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