ICD 10 CM M89.512 | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 M89.512 describes a medical condition characterized by the gradual deterioration or disintegration of bone tissue in the left shoulder, which can be caused by various factors such as underlying diseases, infections, or tumors, leading to significant weakening of the bone structure.

Official Description Of M89.512

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code M89.512 as:

Osteolysis, left shoulder
Parent Code Notes: M89.5

Excludes2: periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic joint (T84.05-)

Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (M89.7-)

When To Use M89.512

The diagnosis described by ICD 10 CM M89.512 is osteolysis of the left shoulder. This condition occurs when there is a loss of bone mass around the shoulder joint, leading to pain, swelling, tenderness, and a range of motion limitation. Osteolysis is commonly seen in the shoulder joint, but it can also affect other joints in the body.

Medical professionals diagnose osteolysis of the left shoulder by collecting the patient’s medical history, performing a physical examination and conducting imaging tests. In the medical history, the practitioner may ask about any previous traumas or infections, medication history, and any chronic medical conditions that could lead to the development of the condition. The physical examination may include measuring the patient’s range of motion to assess the extent of the movement limitation, observing the joint for any redness or swelling, and palpating the shoulder to check for tenderness. Imaging methods, such as Xrays, bone scans, or MRI, will provide valuable information about the bone density and fragmentation.

The laboratory examination of blood can also be helpful in diagnosing osteolysis of the left shoulder. A blood test to check for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, may help in identifying an underlying inflammatory process that can lead to osteolysis. Additionally, a bone biopsy can be performed to confirm the diagnosis and rule out any possible malignancy.

The treatment options for osteolysis of the left shoulder include medication, activity modification, physical therapy, treatment of the underlying condition, and surgical treatment. Medication options may comprise analgesics, corticosteroids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as NSAIDs, which could relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Activity modification is crucial in minimizing the risk of fracture due to bone weakness. Physical therapy improves the range of motion, flexibility, and muscle strength around the affected joint. The underlying condition, such as infection or inflammation, must be treated to prevent further damage to the joint. Finally, surgical treatment is necessary in the case of severe osteolysis, such as the occurrence of a fracture or significant joint destruction.

In conclusion, diagnosing osteolysis of the left shoulder involves a combination of different methods, including understanding the medical history, performing physical examination, and using imaging techniques. Treatment options include a range of modalities, such as medication, physical therapy, and surgical procedures. It is essential to recognize and diagnose the condition promptly to prevent bone degradation and maintain the patient’s quality of life.

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