ICD 10 CM S39.092D | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S39.092D describes a specific type of injury to the muscle, fascia, and tendon of the lower back that has been caused by a traumatic event, and is used by healthcare providers to identify cases where the injury is not represented by any other code in this category, and is applicable for subsequent encounters.

Official Description Of S39.092D

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S39.092D as:

Other injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, subsequent encounter
Parent Code Notes: S39

Excludes2: sprain of joints and ligaments of lumbar spine and pelvis (S33.-)

Code also: any associated open wound (S31.-)

Clinical Information

The diagnosis describes by the ICD 10 CM S39.092D code pertains to other types of injuries that affect the muscle, fascia, and tendon of the lower back. This type of injury often occurs due to sudden trauma, repetitive stress or overuse, or degenerative changes in the body, leading to pain, bruising, tenderness, swelling, stiffness, spasm, muscle weakness, and restriction of motion.

To determine the extent and nature of the injury, healthcare providers typically employ a variety of procedures. Firstly, the provider would conduct a comprehensive medical history consultation with the patient to obtain details regarding the injury or any pre-existing medical conditions that may relate to the present symptoms. Next, a physical examination is performed to assess the degree of injury and identify potential complications. During the physical examination, the healthcare provider will perform a series of tests and manipulations to pinpoint the affected area and assess the patient’s range of motion.

To rule out any fracture or identify if the tear in the muscle or tendon is partial or complete, the healthcare provider may use various imaging techniques, such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. These imaging procedures provide high-quality images that are capable of identifying any damage to tissue, muscle, or bone structures. Imaging also provides clarity on the type, location, and severity of the injury, allowing healthcare providers to develop effective treatment plans.

The treatment of ICD 10 CM S39.092D usually involves a combination of medical treatment and lifestyle modification. The medical treatment involves medication such as analgesics, muscle relaxants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs to alleviate pain and inflammation. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be used to help reduce inflammation.

Lifestyle modification involves activity modifications that may decrease the risk of further injury or re-injury. These modifications could include avoiding certain physical activities, maintaining proper body mechanics, and incorporating physical therapy for rehabilitation. Bracing or splinting may also be used to immobilize the affected area and reduce pain and swelling.

Furthermore, some patients may require surgery to repair the affected muscle, fascia, or tendon. Surgical management may be necessary in cases of severe injuries or complications. In such cases, the healthcare provider will evaluate the patient’s overall health status, the severity of the injury, and the patient’s willingness to undergo surgery before recommending a surgical approach.

In conclusion, ICD 10 CM S39.092D diagnoses code describes a type of injury that affects the muscle, fascia, and tendon of the lower back. It is essential to seek medical attention promptly to obtain an accurate diagnosis so that a proper treatment plan can be designed. A combination of medical treatment and lifestyle modifications can significantly assist in managing this type of injury, reducing pain and allowing patients to return to their daily activities.

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