ICD 10 CM S40.012D | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S40.012D describes a medical condition characterized by the presence of a contusion, or a bruise, on the left shoulder region of the body, which occurs without any broken skin, and is applicable to a subsequent encounter.

Official Description Of S40.012D

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S40.012D as:

Contusion of left shoulder, subsequent encounter

When To Use S40.012D

The diagnosis describes by the ICD-10 CM code S40.012D pertains to a contusion of the left shoulder. This condition is characterized by redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness, pain, bleeding, and skin discoloration. It generally results from a sudden or blunt impact that damages the tissues beneath the skin.

Medical providers typically diagnose this condition based on the patients’ history of recent injury and a thorough physical examination. During the examination, the medical provider may examine the area, inspect the wound, and ask the patient about their symptoms, including their pain level.

Imaging techniques, such as X-rays or CT scans, may be ordered to further assess the damage and determine the extent of the contusion. X-rays are commonly used, but if the condition is severe or if there is a suspected fracture, a CT scan may be performed to provide more detailed results.

Treatment options for a contusion of the left shoulder vary depending on the severity of the condition. Providers may recommend reducing swelling with the application of ice and administering pain relief medication such as analgesics to alleviate discomfort.

In instances where the contusion is more severe, treatment may involve surgery to repair damaged tissues. Surgery is an option in the case of a suspected fracture, a displaced shoulder bone, or when conservative treatments have failed to provide sufficient relief.

Contusions of the left shoulder have the potential to cause a significant disturbance in everyday activities such as driving, bathing, and sleeping. Patients diagnosed with this condition should keep the injured area stable and rested until pain, swelling, and bruising have subsided.

It is essential to seek medical care if any discomfort, including pain or swelling, persists despite home remedies. Ignoring the symptoms may lead to more significant complications, such as long-term instability of the shoulder joint or even permanent damage.

In summary, the ICD-10 CM code S40.012D represents a contusion of the left shoulder, which is a painful condition that can disrupt daily life. In most cases, it requires prompt medical attention to alleviate symptoms effectively. While there are various treatment options available, the best course of action is to consult a healthcare provider to discuss an appropriate treatment plan.

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