ICD 10 CM S52.372J | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S52.372J describes a specific type of fracture known as a Galeazzi fracture, which occurs in the lower one-third of the radius bone in the forearm and involves displacement of the distal radioulnar joint, but with the ulna bone remaining intact, typically caused by trauma from a fall on an open hand with a bent elbow or a direct forceful blow to the arm, and is classified as type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC according to the Gustilo classification for open long bone fractures, and this code is used for subsequent encounters when delayed healing of an open fracture is present due to a tear or laceration in the skin caused by displaced fracture fragments or external injury.

Official Description Of S52.372J

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S52.372J as:

Galeazzi’s fracture of left radius, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
Parent Code Notes: S52

Excludes1: traumatic amputation of forearm (S58.-)

Excludes2: fracture at wrist and hand level (S62.-)

When To Use S52.372J

The diagnosis describes by the ICD-10-CM S52.372J code is a Galeazzi fracture of the left radius. This particular fracture is a severe injury which can cause pain, swelling, tenderness, deformity, and difficulty moving the forearm and wrist. This type of fracture is often the result of a fall or a direct impact to the forearm.

To diagnose a Galeazzi fracture, medical providers perform a physical examination and assess the patient’s medical history. They may also use imaging techniques such as X-rays or computed tomography (CT) scans in order to accurately diagnose the condition. The X-rays may include an AP (anteroposterior), lateral, and PA (postero-anterior) view to assess the fracture and CT scans are used to determine if there are any joint dislocations.

Treatment for a Galeazzi fracture typically involves highly specialized care by an orthopaedic surgeon. Surgery is usually required to repair the fractured bone with an open reduction and internal fixation procedure. They reposition the bone fragments and that use plates, screws, or pins to hold them in place so the bone can heal correctly.

In addition to surgery, non-surgical treatments may be used to manage symptoms and facilitate healing. For example, application of an ice pack can help to reduce pain and swelling. Medical providers may also recommend a splint or cast to restrict limb movement, allowing the bone to heal properly. These casts or splints may need to be adjusted over time to accommodate for healing or inactivity in the arm.

Physical therapy is also a common form of treatment after a Galeazzi fracture. The goal of physical therapy is to help restore functionality, range of motion, and strength in the affected arm. This may involve a series of exercises and stretches designed to promote healing and mobility in the arms. Regular physical therapy sessions with a trained healthcare professional may help to speed up recovery time and ensure the best possible outcome for patients.

Analgesics and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also commonly used to manage pain after a Galeazzi fracture. These medications can help to reduce inflammation and swelling, while also providing relief from pain. It is important for patients to follow the dosing instructions and guidelines provided by their healthcare provider, as well as to promptly report any adverse effects or reactions to the medication.

In conclusion, a Galeazzi fracture of the left radius is a serious injury that requires prompt treatment and specialized care. Medical providers diagnose the condition using physical examinations and imaging techniques such as X-rays and CT scans. Treatment options may include surgery, immobilization, physical therapy, and medications. By working closely with a qualified healthcare provider, individuals who have suffered a Galeazzi fracture can benefit from personalized care and support, and achieve the best possible outcome for recovery.

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