ICD 10 CM S58.111D | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S58.111D describes a specific medical condition characterized by a complete traumatic amputation of the right arm at a level between the elbow and the wrist, resulting from a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle accident or getting caught between heavy objects and machinery, and this code is used for subsequent encounters related to the injury.

Official Description Of S58.111D

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S58.111D as:

Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, subsequent encounter
Parent Code Notes: S58

Excludes1: traumatic amputation of wrist and hand (S68.-)

When To Use S58.111D

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM S58.111D pertains to a traumatic amputation between the elbow and the wrist of the right arm. This type of injury can cause extreme pain, bleeding, numbness, and tingling due to nerve injury, compartment syndrome, and severe damage to soft tissues.

To diagnose this condition, healthcare providers rely on the patient’s medical history and a thorough physical examination. Special attention is paid to nerves and blood vessels to evaluate the possibility of reattachment of the severed tissue. Additionally, medical professionals use a Mangled Extremity Severity Score and imaging techniques, such as X-rays, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging, to determine the extent of the damage.

The treatment for a traumatic amputation between the elbow and wrist of the right arm includes multiple options. Surgeries to reattach the amputated part are one possibility, but they depend on the severity of the injury. To prevent further bleeding, healthcare providers may have to perform an operation immediately. After that, they will fix any damage done to the wound, clean it, and apply a dressing to avoid the risk of an infection.

Apart from surgery and wound care, there are other treatment options available. Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help to manage the patient’s pain. Providers may prescribe antibiotics to prevent or treat any infections that may arise. If appropriate, medical professionals may administer tetanus prophylaxis.

If reattachment is not possible, a possible prosthesis after the wound has healed may be an alternative option. Physical therapy sessions and counseling are also available for patients. The purpose of physical therapy is to help patients regain the use of their extremities, while counseling can prepare them for the emotional consequences that come with this type of injury.

In conclusion, ICD 10 CM S58.111D refers to traumatic amputations that happen between the elbow and wrist of the right arm. Medical professionals diagnose the condition through the patient’s medical history, a physical examination, a Mangled Extremity Severity Score, and imaging techniques. Treatment options include surgery, wound care, medications, and rehabilitation, with a particular focus on physical therapy and counseling for emotional support.

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