ICD 10 CM S58.119A | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S58.119A describes a severe injury resulting in the complete traumatic amputation of the forearm at a level between the elbow and the wrist of an unspecified arm, caused by external trauma from incidents such as motor vehicle accidents or getting caught between heavy objects and machinery, where the provider has not specified whether the amputation involves the right or left arm during the initial encounter for the injury.

Official Description Of S58.119A

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S58.119A as:

Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, unspecified arm, initial encounter
Parent Code Notes: S58

Excludes1: traumatic amputation of wrist and hand (S68.-)

When To Use S58.119A

The diagnosis code of ICD 10 CM S58.119A is used to describe a complete traumatic amputation that happens between the elbow and the wrist in an unspecified arm. This specific type of injury can result in a variety of severe symptoms such as pain, bleeding, numbness, and tingling. Such injuries can be life-changing and can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.

Medical providers diagnose this condition based on the patient’s history and physical examination. They closely examine the nerves and blood vessels to determine the possibility of reattaching the severed tissue. Additionally, providers use a Mangled Extremity Severity Score and imaging techniques such as X-rays, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging to assess the severity of the injury.

Treatment options for this condition are focused on preventing further damage and infection while also helping the patient to regain some or all of their previous ability to use the affected extremity. Surgery may be an option to reattach the amputated part if possible while also stopping the bleeding and repairing the wound. After the surgery, the wound must be cleaned and dressed to avoid infection.

Pain is a significant issue for patients with this condition and providers may prescribe analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to help manage the pain. Patients may also require antibiotics to prevent or treat infection and tetanus prophylaxis if appropriate. In cases where reattachment was not possible, possible prosthesis may be recommended after the wound has healed.

Physical therapy is a critical part of the treatment process to regain the use of the affected extremity or for prosthesis training. Counseling can also be helpful to help the patient adjust to the consequences of the injury and any long-term implications.

While the diagnosis code ICD 10 CM S58.119A may seem confusing, it is essential for medical coders to understand when they are entering codes for this type of injury. Learning about the condition can help medical coders accurately report the patient’s condition to insurance companies and ensure that providers receive appropriate reimbursement for their services.

Amputations can have a significant impact on patients’ lives, and it is essential that medical coders are knowledgeable about this type of injury to provide accurate documentation for medical visits. By understanding the diagnosis code, medical coders can ensure that the providers have the necessary information to provide proper treatment and care for their patients.

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