ICD 10 CM S61.305S | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S61.305S describes an unspecified open wound of the left ring finger that involves damage to the nail, which can result from a variety of injuries such as lacerations, puncture wounds, or open bites, where the skin is broken and the underlying tissues are exposed to the air, and the provider does not provide any specific information regarding the type or severity of the injury during a follow-up encounter for a sequela, which is a condition that arises as a result of the initial injury.

Official Description Of S61.305S

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S61.305S as:

Unspecified open wound of left ring finger with damage to nail, sequela
Parent Code Notes: S61

Excludes1: open fracture of wrist, hand and finger (S62.- with 7th character B)
traumatic amputation of wrist and hand (S68.-)

Code also: any associated wound infection

When To Use S61.305S

The diagnosis describes by the ICD 10 CM code S61.305S entails an unspecified open wound in the left ring finger with damage to the nail. This condition can cause discomfort, bleeding, tenderness, limited movement, bruising, inflammation, swelling, and an increased risk for infection.

To diagnose this condition, healthcare providers typically begin with assessing the affected patient’s history and performing a physical examination of the wound site. They may also need to evaluate the nerves, bones, and blood vessels affected by the injury. Depending on the depth and severity of the wound, they may also utilize imaging techniques like X-rays to determine the extent of damage and assess for foreign bodies.

There are various treatment options for patients diagnosed with an unspecified open wound in the left ring finger with nail damage. Healthcare professionals may need to control any bleeding and clean the wound thoroughly immediately after the injury has occurred. If there is any damaged or infected tissue, they may need to surgically remove it and repair the wound. Also, appropriate topical medication and dressing will likely be applied. Pain management through analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be necessary, with antibiotics often used to prevent or treat any associated infections. Tetanus prophylaxis may be administered if required.

It is crucial that healthcare providers are thorough and efficient when treating patients with this diagnosis, as open wounds can easily become infected if left untreated. To prevent further complications, it is recommended that patients follow the aftercare instructions provided by their healthcare provider, which may include wound care, medication management, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing and assess progress.

If a patient experiences any sudden or severe symptoms after being diagnosed with an open wound in their left ring finger with nail damage, they should contact their healthcare provider immediately. This can include increased pain, swelling, fever, redness or warmth around the wound, or any discharge or pus.

Ultimately, the ICD 10 CM code S61.305S diagnosis highlights a common condition that requires prompt medical assessment and treatment. Through timely and appropriate intervention, patients can manage their symptoms, prevent further complications, and work towards a full recovery.

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