ICD 10 CM S61.320S | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S61.320S describes a specific medical condition characterized by an irregular and deep cut or tear in the skin of the right index finger, which involves the retention of a foreign object and damage to the nail, and can be caused by various forms of trauma such as blunt or penetrating injuries from accidents, punctures or cuts with sharp objects, gunshot wounds, or assault, and this code is used to indicate the encounter for a sequela, which is a condition resulting from the initial injury.

Official Description Of S61.320S

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S61.320S as:

Laceration with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, sequela
Parent Code Notes: S61

Excludes1: open fracture of wrist, hand and finger (S62.- with 7th character B)
traumatic amputation of wrist and hand (S68.-)

Code also: any associated wound infection

When To Use S61.320S

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM S61.320S code is a complex medical condition that can result from a laceration with a foreign body of the right index finger, including damage to the nail. Patients experiencing this condition often report pain at the affected site, bleeding, tenderness, stiffness or tightness, swelling, bruising, infection, inflammation, and restricted motion.

To diagnose this condition, healthcare providers take into consideration the patient’s history and physical examination, paying particular attention to assess the nerves, bones, and blood vessels impacted by the wound’s depth and severity. Providers may also use imaging techniques such as X-rays to assess the level of damage and evaluate the presence of foreign bodies that may require removal.

Treatment options available for patients diagnosed with ICD 10 CM S61.320S include immediate measures to control any bleeding and thorough cleansing of the wound site. Healthcare providers may also perform debridement and repair of the wound, applying suitable topical medication and dressing, prescribing analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain control, and antibiotics to prevent or treat an infection.

Patients who have suffered from a cut or foreign body in the right index finger should seek medical attention as soon as possible. In addition to the complications that may develop from leaving the wound untreated, this injury can also cause acute pain that reduces the mobility and overall function of the hand.

A proper diagnosis of ICD 10 CM S61.320S requires a thorough evaluation of the patient’s condition. Treatment may involve the use of advanced surgical techniques, including skin grafts, nerve reconstruction, and the removal of foreign objects lodged in the wound.

Patients with this diagnosis should follow their healthcare provider’s instructions and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments. This condition may require repeated evalutions, to ensure proper healing, and to identify and treat any potential complications.

Preventative measures like carefully handling sharp objects, wearing gloves, and protective gear can reduce the risk of sustaining a foreign body injury to the right index finger. Tetanus boosters and other vaccinations can also be helpful preventative measures. If you have suffered an injury in your right index finger, contact your healthcare provider for a proper assessment and treatment to avoid complications and promote a full recovery.

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