ICD 10 CM S66.514D | Description & Clinical Information

ICD 10 S66.514D describes an injury that occurs at the wrist and hand level, specifically a strain of the intrinsic muscle, fascia, and/or tendon of the finger, which is characterized by the tearing or pulling apart of the fibrous structures that aid in extending or straightening the finger, and is typically caused by trauma or overuse, and this code is used for a subsequent encounter for the injury of the right ring finger.

Official Description Of S66.514D

The ICD 10 CM book defines ICD 10 code S66.514D as:

Strain of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of right ring finger at wrist and hand level, subsequent encounter
Parent Code Notes: S66.5

Excludes2: injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level (S66.4-)

Parent Code Notes: S66

Excludes2: sprain of joints and ligaments of wrist and hand (S63.-)

Code also: any associated open wound (S61.-)

When To Use S66.514D

The diagnosis describes by ICD 10 CM code S66.514D pertains to a common musculoskeletal injury affecting the intrinsic muscles, fascia, and/or tendons of the right ring finger at the wrist and hand level. This type of injury can cause various symptoms, such as pain, tenderness, bruising, swelling, muscle spasms or weakness, and limited range of motion. In severe cases, the patient may even experience an audible crackling sound associated with movement.

Healthcare providers typically diagnose this condition by reviewing the patient’s medical history and conducting a physical examination, with specific attention to the injury site and type of injury. They may also order imaging tests such as X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate more serious injuries.

There are several treatment options available for patients diagnosed with S66.514D. Rest is crucial, and healthcare providers may advise patients to apply ice to the injured area to reduce swelling and pain. They may also prescribe medications such as muscle relaxants, analgesics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help alleviate pain and inflammation. For more severe injuries, healthcare providers may recommend using a splint or cast to immobilize the affected finger and reduce discomfort.

In addition to these treatment options, healthcare providers may also recommend exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion of the finger and forearm. Regular exercise can help alleviate pain and prevent long-term damage to the affected area. In rare cases where the injury is severe, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged muscle, fascia, or tendon.

It is essential for patients diagnosed with S66.514D to follow their healthcare provider’s advice on treatment and recovery carefully. With proper rest, medication, and therapy, most patients can expect to recover fully from this type of injury. However, failure to treat the injury adequately or to follow proper care recommendations may lead to chronic pain, discomfort, or disability.

In summary, ICD 10 CM code S66.514D is a diagnosis code used to describe a specific type of musculoskeletal injury affecting the intrinsic muscles, fascia, and tendons of the right ring finger at the wrist and hand level. Diagnosis is typically based on medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests, and treatment options include rest, medication, splinting, and exercise. With proper care and treatment, most patients can expect to recover fully from this type of injury.

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